Uses of Interface

Packages that use BindyFactory

Uses of BindyFactory in org.apache.camel.dataformat.bindy

Classes in org.apache.camel.dataformat.bindy that implement BindyFactory
 class BindyAbstractFactory
          The BindyAbstractFactory implements what its common to all the formats supported by Camel Bindy
 class BindyCsvFactory
          The BindyCsvFactory is the class who allows to : Generate a model associated to a CSV record, bind data from a record to the POJOs, export data of POJOs to a CSV record and format data into String, Date, Double, ...
 class BindyFixedLengthFactory
          The BindyCsvFactory is the class who allows to : Generate a model associated to a fixed length record, bind data from a record to the POJOs, export data of POJOs to a fixed length record and format data into String, Date, Double, ...
 class BindyKeyValuePairFactory
          The BindyKeyValuePairFactory is the class who allows to bind data of type key value pair.

Apache CAMEL