Annotation Type CsvRecord

public @interface CsvRecord

This annotation represents the root class of the model. When a CSV, fixed-length record must be described in the model we will use this annotation and the separator (for csv record) to know how to split the data during the unmarshal process The separator (mandatory) The name is optional and could be used in the future to bind a property which a different name The skipfirstline (optional) allows to skip the first line of the file/content received The generateHeaderColumnNames (optional) allow to add in the CSV generated the header containing names of the columns The crlf (optional) is used to add a new line after a record. By default, the value is WINDOWS The isOrdered (optional) boolean is used to ordered the message generated in output

Required Element Summary
 String separator
          Separator used to split a record in tokens (mandatory)
Optional Element Summary
 String crlf
          Character to be used to add a carriage return after each record (optional) Three values can be used : WINDOWS, UNIX or MAC.
 boolean generateHeaderColumns
          The generateHeaderColumns parameter allow to add in the CSV generated the header containing names of the columns
 boolean isOrdered
          Indicates if the message must be ordered in output
 String name
          Name describing the record (optional)
 String quote
          Whether to marshal columns with the given quote character (optional)
 boolean skipFirstLine
          The skipFirstLine parameter will allow to skip or not the first line of a CSV file.

Element Detail


public abstract String separator
Separator used to split a record in tokens (mandatory)


public abstract String name
Name describing the record (optional)



public abstract boolean skipFirstLine
The skipFirstLine parameter will allow to skip or not the first line of a CSV file. This line often contains columns definition



public abstract String crlf
Character to be used to add a carriage return after each record (optional) Three values can be used : WINDOWS, UNIX or MAC.



public abstract boolean generateHeaderColumns
The generateHeaderColumns parameter allow to add in the CSV generated the header containing names of the columns



public abstract boolean isOrdered
Indicates if the message must be ordered in output



public abstract String quote
Whether to marshal columns with the given quote character (optional)


Apache CAMEL