Class ZooKeeperRoutePolicy

  extended by
      extended by org.apache.camel.impl.RoutePolicySupport
          extended by org.apache.camel.component.zookeeper.policy.ZooKeeperRoutePolicy
All Implemented Interfaces:
ElectionWatcher, org.apache.camel.Service, org.apache.camel.ShutdownableService, org.apache.camel.spi.RoutePolicy, org.apache.camel.StatefulService, org.apache.camel.SuspendableService

public class ZooKeeperRoutePolicy
extends org.apache.camel.impl.RoutePolicySupport
implements ElectionWatcher

ZooKeeperRoutePolicy uses the leader election capabilities of a ZooKeeper cluster to control how routes are enabled. It is typically used in fail-over scenarios controlling identical instances of a route across a cluster of Camel based servers.

The policy is configured with a 'top n' number of routes that should be allowed to start, for a master/slave scenario this would be 1. Each instance of the policy will execute the election algorithm to obtain its position in the hierarchy of servers, if it is within the 'top n' servers then the policy is enabled and exchanges can be processed by the route. If not it waits for a change in the leader hierarchy and then reruns this scenario to see if it is now in the top n.

All instances of the policy must also be configured with the same path on the ZooKeeper cluster where the election will be carried out. It is good practice for this to indicate the application e.g. /someapplication/someroute/ note that these nodes should exist before using the policy.

See for more on how Leader election is archived with ZooKeeper.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.apache.camel.impl.RoutePolicySupport
Fields inherited from class
shutdown, shuttingdown, started, starting, stopped, stopping, suspended, suspending
Constructor Summary
ZooKeeperRoutePolicy(String uri, int enabledCount)
ZooKeeperRoutePolicy(ZooKeeperElection election)
Method Summary
 void electionResultChanged()
          This method is called when there is a potential change to the master.
 boolean isShouldStopConsumer()
 void onExchangeBegin(org.apache.camel.Route route, org.apache.camel.Exchange exchange)
 void setShouldStopConsumer(boolean shouldStopConsumer)
Methods inherited from class org.apache.camel.impl.RoutePolicySupport
doStart, doStop, getExceptionHandler, handleException, onExchangeDone, onInit, onRemove, onResume, onStart, onStop, onSuspend, resumeRoute, setExceptionHandler, startConsumer, startRoute, stopConsumer, stopRoute, stopRoute, suspendRoute, suspendRoute
Methods inherited from class
doResume, doShutdown, doSuspend, getStatus, getVersion, isRunAllowed, isStarted, isStarting, isStopped, isStopping, isStoppingOrStopped, isSuspended, isSuspending, resume, shutdown, start, stop, suspend
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ZooKeeperRoutePolicy(String uri,
                            int enabledCount)


public ZooKeeperRoutePolicy(ZooKeeperElection election)
Method Detail


public void onExchangeBegin(org.apache.camel.Route route,
                            org.apache.camel.Exchange exchange)
Specified by:
onExchangeBegin in interface org.apache.camel.spi.RoutePolicy
onExchangeBegin in class org.apache.camel.impl.RoutePolicySupport


public void electionResultChanged()
Description copied from interface: ElectionWatcher
This method is called when there is a potential change to the master. Implementations should call "isMaster" on their ZookeeperElection instance to re-validate their status.

Specified by:
electionResultChanged in interface ElectionWatcher


public boolean isShouldStopConsumer()


public void setShouldStopConsumer(boolean shouldStopConsumer)

Apache Camel