Uses of Class

Packages that use Body

Uses of Body in org.w3._2003._05.soap_envelope

Fields in org.w3._2003._05.soap_envelope declared as Body
protected  Body Envelope.body

Methods in org.w3._2003._05.soap_envelope that return Body
 Body ObjectFactory.createBody()
          Create an instance of Body
 Body Envelope.getBody()
          Gets the value of the body property.
 Body Body.withAny(Collection<Object> values)
 Body Body.withAny(Object... values)

Methods in org.w3._2003._05.soap_envelope that return types with arguments of type Body
 JAXBElement<Body> ObjectFactory.createBody(Body value)
          Create an instance of JAXBElement<Body>}

Methods in org.w3._2003._05.soap_envelope with parameters of type Body
 JAXBElement<Body> ObjectFactory.createBody(Body value)
          Create an instance of JAXBElement<Body>}
 void Envelope.setBody(Body value)
          Sets the value of the body property.
 Envelope Envelope.withBody(Body value)

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