Class ReactiveCamel

  extended by org.apache.camel.rx.ReactiveCamel

public class ReactiveCamel
extends Object

Provides the Reactive Extensions support for Camel via the RxJava library

Constructor Summary
ReactiveCamel(org.apache.camel.CamelContext camelContext)
Method Summary
<T> rx.Observable<T>
createEndpointObservable(org.apache.camel.Endpoint endpoint, rx.util.functions.Func1<org.apache.camel.Exchange,T> converter)
          Returns a newly created Observable given a function which converts the Exchange from the Camel consumer to the required type
 org.apache.camel.Endpoint endpoint(String endpointUri)
 org.apache.camel.CamelContext getCamelContext()
<T> void
sendTo(rx.Observable<T> observable, org.apache.camel.Endpoint endpoint)
          Sends events on the given Observable to the given camel endpoint
<T> void
sendTo(rx.Observable<T> observable, String endpointUri)
          Sends events on the given Observable to the given camel endpoint
 rx.Observable<org.apache.camel.Message> toObservable(org.apache.camel.Endpoint endpoint)
          Returns an < org.apache.camel.Message > to allow the messages sent on the endpoint to be processed using Reactive Extensions
<T> rx.Observable<T>
toObservable(org.apache.camel.Endpoint endpoint, Class<T> bodyType)
          Returns an for the messages with their payload converted to the given type to allow the messages sent on the endpoint to be processed using Reactive Extensions
 rx.Observable<org.apache.camel.Message> toObservable(String uri)
          Returns an < org.apache.camel.Message > to allow the messages sent on the endpoint to be processed using Reactive Extensions
<T> rx.Observable<T>
toObservable(String uri, Class<T> bodyType)
          Returns an for the messages with their payload converted to the given type to allow the messages sent on the endpoint to be processed using Reactive Extensions
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ReactiveCamel(org.apache.camel.CamelContext camelContext)
Method Detail


public rx.Observable<org.apache.camel.Message> toObservable(String uri)
Returns an < org.apache.camel.Message > to allow the messages sent on the endpoint to be processed using Reactive Extensions


public <T> rx.Observable<T> toObservable(String uri,
                                         Class<T> bodyType)
Returns an for the messages with their payload converted to the given type to allow the messages sent on the endpoint to be processed using Reactive Extensions


public rx.Observable<org.apache.camel.Message> toObservable(org.apache.camel.Endpoint endpoint)
Returns an < org.apache.camel.Message > to allow the messages sent on the endpoint to be processed using Reactive Extensions


public <T> rx.Observable<T> toObservable(org.apache.camel.Endpoint endpoint,
                                         Class<T> bodyType)
Returns an for the messages with their payload converted to the given type to allow the messages sent on the endpoint to be processed using Reactive Extensions


public <T> void sendTo(rx.Observable<T> observable,
                       String endpointUri)
Sends events on the given Observable to the given camel endpoint


public <T> void sendTo(rx.Observable<T> observable,
                       org.apache.camel.Endpoint endpoint)
Sends events on the given Observable to the given camel endpoint


public org.apache.camel.CamelContext getCamelContext()


public org.apache.camel.Endpoint endpoint(String endpointUri)


protected <T> rx.Observable<T> createEndpointObservable(org.apache.camel.Endpoint endpoint,
                                                        rx.util.functions.Func1<org.apache.camel.Exchange,T> converter)
Returns a newly created Observable given a function which converts the Exchange from the Camel consumer to the required type

Apache Camel