Uses of Class

Packages that use MongoDbOperation

Uses of MongoDbOperation in org.apache.camel.component.mongodb

Fields in org.apache.camel.component.mongodb with type parameters of type MongoDbOperation
static Set<MongoDbOperation> MongoDbComponent.WRITE_OPERATIONS

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.mongodb that return MongoDbOperation
 MongoDbOperation MongoDbEndpoint.getOperation()
static MongoDbOperation MongoDbOperation.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static MongoDbOperation[] MongoDbOperation.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.mongodb with parameters of type MongoDbOperation
protected  void MongoDbProducer.doGetStats(org.apache.camel.Exchange exchange, MongoDbOperation operation)
protected  void MongoDbProducer.invokeOperation(MongoDbOperation operation, org.apache.camel.Exchange exchange)
          Entry method that selects the appropriate MongoDB operation and executes it

Apache Camel