Package org.apache.camel.component.jms.reply

Logic implementing support for request/reply over JMS


Interface Summary
CorrelationListener Listener for events when correlation id's changes.
ReplyHandler Handles a reply.
ReplyManager The ReplyManager is responsible for handling request-reply over JMS.

Class Summary
CorrelationTimeoutMap A TimeoutMap which is used to track reply messages which has been timed out, and thus should trigger the waiting Exchange to timeout as well.
ExclusiveQueueMessageListenerContainer This DefaultMessageListenerContainer is used for reply queues which are exclusive.
MessageSelectorCreator A creator which can build the JMS message selector query string to use with a shared reply-to queue, so we can select the correct messages we expect as replies.
QueueReplyHandler ReplyHandler to handle processing replies when using regular queues.
QueueReplyManager A ReplyManager when using regular queues.
ReplyHolder Holder which contains the Exchange and AsyncCallback to be used when the reply arrives, so we can set the reply on the Exchange and continue routing using the callback.
ReplyManagerSupport Base class for ReplyManager implementations.
SharedQueueMessageListenerContainer This DefaultMessageListenerContainer is used for reply queues which are shared.
TemporaryQueueReplyHandler ReplyHandler to handle processing replies when using temporary queues.
TemporaryQueueReplyManager A ReplyManager when using temporary queues.
UseMessageIdAsCorrelationIdMessageSentCallback Callback to be used when using the option useMessageIDAsCorrelationID.

Package org.apache.camel.component.jms.reply Description

Logic implementing support for request/reply over JMS

Apache Camel