
Interface Summary
AnnotationMemberProvider<A extends Annotation> A provider of an annotation based injection point which can use the value of an annotation together with the member on which the annotation is placed to determine the value.
CloseErrors A handler of exceptions when closing down resources.
Closer Represents a strategy for closing an object down such as using the @PreDestroy lifecycle from JSR 250, invoking Closeable.close() or using the DisposableBean interface from Spring.
CloseTask Some task which may throw an exception
HasScopeAnnotation There's no simple way to associate a Scope with an annotation which often leads Scoping to return null.
MethodHandler<I,A extends Annotation> Allows a method with a given annotation A on an injectee of type I to be processed in some way on each injectee using a custom strategy.

Class Summary
AnnotationMemberProviderSupport<A extends Annotation> A useful base class for implementors meaning they only have to implement a single method whether a Field or Method parameter is being injected
Closers Some helper methods for working with the Closer interface
CompositeCloser A Composite implementation of Closer
EncounterProvider<T> Like a Provider but which is also given an TypeEncounter
GuiceyFruitModule Adds some new helper methods to the base Guice module
Reflectors Some reflection helper methods

Exception Summary
CloseFailedException Indicates that an attempt to close an injector or scope failed closing one or more bindings.

Apache Camel