Uses of Class

Packages that use FacebookMethodsType

Uses of FacebookMethodsType in org.apache.camel.component.facebook

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.facebook that return types with arguments of type FacebookMethodsType
 List<FacebookMethodsType> FacebookEndpoint.getCandidates()

Uses of FacebookMethodsType in

Methods in that return FacebookMethodsType
static FacebookMethodsType FacebookMethodsType.findMethod(String name, Class<?>... args)
          Find method type by name and argument types.
static FacebookMethodsType FacebookMethodsTypeHelper.getHighestPriorityMethod(List<FacebookMethodsType> filteredMethods)
static FacebookMethodsType FacebookMethodsType.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static FacebookMethodsType[] FacebookMethodsType.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type FacebookMethodsType
static List<FacebookMethodsType> FacebookMethodsTypeHelper.filterMethods(List<FacebookMethodsType> methods, FacebookMethodsTypeHelper.MatchType matchType, String... argNames)
          Filters a list of methods to those that take the given set of arguments.
static List<FacebookMethodsType> FacebookMethodsTypeHelper.getCandidateMethods(String name, String... argNames)
          Gets methods that match the given name and arguments.

Note that the args list is a required subset of arguments for returned methods.


Methods in with parameters of type FacebookMethodsType
static Object FacebookMethodsTypeHelper.invokeMethod(facebook4j.Facebook facebook, FacebookMethodsType method, Map<String,Object> properties)
          Invokes given method with argument values from given properties.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type FacebookMethodsType
static List<FacebookMethodsType> FacebookMethodsTypeHelper.filterMethods(List<FacebookMethodsType> methods, FacebookMethodsTypeHelper.MatchType matchType, String... argNames)
          Filters a list of methods to those that take the given set of arguments.
static FacebookMethodsType FacebookMethodsTypeHelper.getHighestPriorityMethod(List<FacebookMethodsType> filteredMethods)

Apache Camel