Package org.apache.camel.component.disruptor

Interface Summary
SynchronizedExchange This interface describes an immutable container of an Exchange and provides handles for DisruptorConsumers to correctly deal with the on completion synchronization, even in multicast circumstances.

Class Summary
DisruptorComponent An implementation of the Disruptor component for asynchronous SEDA exchanges on an LMAX Disruptor within a CamelContext
DisruptorConsumer A Consumer for the Disruptor component.
DisruptorEndpoint An implementation of the Disruptor component for asynchronous SEDA exchanges on an LMAX Disruptor within a CamelContext
DisruptorProducer A Producer for the Disruptor component.
DisruptorReference Holder for Disruptor references.
ExchangeEvent This is a mutable reference to an Exchange, used as contents of the Disruptors ringbuffer
MultipleConsumerSynchronizedExchange Implementation of the SynchronizedExchange interface that correctly handles all completion synchronisation courtesies for multiple consumers.
SingleConsumerSynchronizedExchange Implementation of the SynchronizedExchange interface optimized for single consumers.

Enum Summary
DisruptorProducerType This enumeration re-enumerated the values of the ProducerType according to the Camel Case convention used in Camel.
DisruptorWaitStrategy This enumeration holds all values that may be used as the WaitStrategy used by producers on a Disruptor.

Exception Summary
DisruptorNotStartedException This exception is thrown when a producer attempts to publish an exchange while the Disruptor is not yet started or already shut down

Apache Camel