Package org.apache.camel.processor.resequencer

Helper classes for the Resequencer pattern.


Interface Summary
ExpressionResultComparator A SequenceElementComparator that compares Exchanges based on the result of an expression evaluation.
SequenceElementComparator<E> A strategy for comparing elements of a sequence.
SequenceSender<E> An interface used by the ResequencerEngine.deliver() and ResequencerEngine.deliverNext() methods to send out re-ordered elements.
TimeoutHandler Implemented by classes that handle timeout notifications.

Class Summary
DefaultExchangeComparator Compares elements of an Exchange sequence by comparing long values returned by this comparator's expression.
ResequencerEngine<E> Resequences elements based on a given SequenceElementComparator.
Sequence<E> A sorted set of elements with additional methods for obtaining immediate successors and immediate predecessors of a given element in the sequence.
Timeout A timer task that notifies handlers about scheduled timeouts.

Exception Summary
MessageRejectedException An exception thrown if message is rejected by the resequencer

Package org.apache.camel.processor.resequencer Description

Helper classes for the Resequencer pattern.

Apache Camel