Uses of Class

Packages that use TraceInterceptor Camel management JMX MBeans 
org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor Helper classes for interceptors. 

Uses of TraceInterceptor in

Methods in with parameters of type TraceInterceptor
 void JMXNotificationTraceEventHandler.traceExchange(ProcessorDefinition<?> node, Processor target, TraceInterceptor traceInterceptor, Exchange exchange)
 Object JMXNotificationTraceEventHandler.traceExchangeIn(ProcessorDefinition<?> node, Processor target, TraceInterceptor traceInterceptor, Exchange exchange)
 void JMXNotificationTraceEventHandler.traceExchangeOut(ProcessorDefinition<?> node, Processor target, TraceInterceptor traceInterceptor, Exchange exchange, Object traceState)

Uses of TraceInterceptor in org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor with parameters of type TraceInterceptor
protected  String DefaultTraceFormatter.extractBreadCrumb(TraceInterceptor interceptor, ProcessorDefinition<?> currentNode, Exchange exchange)
          Creates the breadcrumb based on whether this was a trace of an exchange coming out of or into a processing step.
 Object DefaultTraceFormatter.format(TraceInterceptor interceptor, ProcessorDefinition<?> node, Exchange exchange)
 Object TraceFormatter.format(TraceInterceptor interceptor, ProcessorDefinition<?> node, Exchange exchange)
          Formats a log message at given point of interception.
 void DefaultTraceEventHandler.traceExchange(ProcessorDefinition<?> node, Processor target, TraceInterceptor traceInterceptor, Exchange exchange)
 void TraceEventHandler.traceExchange(ProcessorDefinition<?> node, Processor target, TraceInterceptor traceInterceptor, Exchange exchange)
          Event called when an Exchange is about to be processed

This event is only called if trace out has been disabled (which it is by default).

 Object DefaultTraceEventHandler.traceExchangeIn(ProcessorDefinition<?> node, Processor target, TraceInterceptor traceInterceptor, Exchange exchange)
 Object TraceEventHandler.traceExchangeIn(ProcessorDefinition<?> node, Processor target, TraceInterceptor traceInterceptor, Exchange exchange)
          Event called when an Exchange is about to be processed (in)

This event is only called if trace out has been enabled.

 void DefaultTraceEventHandler.traceExchangeOut(ProcessorDefinition<?> node, Processor target, TraceInterceptor traceInterceptor, Exchange exchange, Object traceState)
 void TraceEventHandler.traceExchangeOut(ProcessorDefinition<?> node, Processor target, TraceInterceptor traceInterceptor, Exchange exchange, Object traceState)
          Event called when an Exchange has been processed (out)

This event is only called if trace out has been enabled.


Apache Camel