Uses of Interface

Packages that use CamelInternalProcessorAdvice
org.apache.camel.processor A collection of Processor implementations which are used to implement the Enterprise Integration Patterns 

Uses of CamelInternalProcessorAdvice in org.apache.camel.processor

Classes in org.apache.camel.processor that implement CamelInternalProcessorAdvice
static class CamelInternalProcessor.BacklogDebuggerAdvice
          Advice to execute the BacklogDebugger if enabled.
static class CamelInternalProcessor.BacklogTracerAdvice
          Advice to execute the BacklogTracer if enabled.
static class CamelInternalProcessor.ChildUnitOfWorkProcessorAdvice
          Advice when an EIP uses the shareUnitOfWork functionality.
static class CamelInternalProcessor.DelayerAdvice
          Advice for delaying
static class CamelInternalProcessor.InstrumentationAdvice
          Advice for JMX instrumentation of the process being invoked.
static class CamelInternalProcessor.MessageHistoryAdvice
          Advice when Message History has been enabled.
static class CamelInternalProcessor.RouteContextAdvice
          Advice to inject the current RouteContext into the UnitOfWork on the Exchange
static class CamelInternalProcessor.RouteInflightRepositoryAdvice
          Advice to keep the InflightRepository up to date.
static class CamelInternalProcessor.RoutePolicyAdvice
          Advice to execute any RoutePolicy a route may have been configured with.
static class CamelInternalProcessor.StreamCachingAdvice
          Advice for StreamCachingStrategy
static class CamelInternalProcessor.SubUnitOfWorkProcessorAdvice
          Advice when an EIP uses the shareUnitOfWork functionality.
static class CamelInternalProcessor.UnitOfWorkProcessorAdvice
          Advice to inject new UnitOfWork to the Exchange if needed, and as well to ensure the UnitOfWork is done and stopped.

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor with parameters of type CamelInternalProcessorAdvice
 void CamelInternalProcessor.addAdvice(CamelInternalProcessorAdvice advice)
          Adds an CamelInternalProcessorAdvice advice to the list of advices to execute by this internal processor.

Apache Camel