Package org.apache.camel.model.loadbalancer

The JAXB POJOs for the Load Balancer EIP pattern for the XML Configuration.


Class Summary
CustomLoadBalancerDefinition Represents an XML <customLoadBalancer/> element
FailoverLoadBalancerDefinition Represents an XML <failover/> element
RandomLoadBalancerDefinition Represents an XML <random/> element
RoundRobinLoadBalancerDefinition Represents an XML <roundRobin/> element
StickyLoadBalancerDefinition Represents an XML <sticky/> element
TopicLoadBalancerDefinition Represents an XML <topic/> element
WeightedLoadBalancerDefinition Represents an XML <weighted/> element

Package org.apache.camel.model.loadbalancer Description

The JAXB POJOs for the Load Balancer EIP pattern for the XML Configuration.

Apache Camel