Uses of Class

Packages that use WireTapDefinition
org.apache.camel.model The JAXB POJOs for the XML Configuration of the routing rules. 

Uses of WireTapDefinition in org.apache.camel.model

Methods in org.apache.camel.model that return WireTapDefinition
 WireTapDefinition<Type> WireTapDefinition.copy()
          Uses a copy of the original exchange
 WireTapDefinition<Type> WireTapDefinition.copy(boolean copy)
          Uses a copy of the original exchange
 WireTapDefinition<Type> WireTapDefinition.executorService(ExecutorService executorService)
          Uses a custom thread pool
 WireTapDefinition<Type> WireTapDefinition.executorServiceRef(String executorServiceRef)
          Uses a custom thread pool
 WireTapDefinition<Type> WireTapDefinition.newExchange(Expression expression)
          Deprecated. will be removed in Camel 3.0 Instead use newExchangeBody(org.apache.camel.Expression)
 WireTapDefinition<Type> WireTapDefinition.newExchange(Processor processor)
          Sends a new Exchange, instead of tapping an existing, using ExchangePattern.InOnly
 WireTapDefinition<Type> WireTapDefinition.newExchangeBody(Expression expression)
          Sends a new Exchange, instead of tapping an existing, using ExchangePattern.InOnly
 WireTapDefinition<Type> WireTapDefinition.newExchangeHeader(String headerName, Expression expression)
          Sets a header on the new Exchange, instead of tapping an existing, using ExchangePattern.InOnly.
 WireTapDefinition<Type> WireTapDefinition.newExchangeRef(String ref)
          Sends a new Exchange, instead of tapping an existing, using ExchangePattern.InOnly
 WireTapDefinition<Type> WireTapDefinition.onPrepare(Processor onPrepare)
          Uses the Processor when preparing the Exchange to be send.
 WireTapDefinition<Type> WireTapDefinition.onPrepareRef(String onPrepareRef)
          Uses the Processor when preparing the Exchange to be send.
 WireTapDefinition<Type> ProcessorDefinition.wireTap(String uri)
          WireTap EIP: Sends messages to all its child outputs; so that each processor and destination gets a copy of the original message to avoid the processors interfering with each other using ExchangePattern.InOnly.
 WireTapDefinition<Type> ProcessorDefinition.wireTap(String uri, boolean copy, Expression body)
          Deprecated. use the fluent builder from WireTapDefinition, will be removed in Camel 3.0
 WireTapDefinition<Type> ProcessorDefinition.wireTap(String uri, boolean copy, Processor processor)
          Deprecated. use the fluent builder from WireTapDefinition, will be removed in Camel 3.0
 WireTapDefinition<Type> ProcessorDefinition.wireTap(String uri, ExecutorService executorService)
          Deprecated. use the fluent builder from WireTapDefinition, will be removed in Camel 3.0
 WireTapDefinition<Type> ProcessorDefinition.wireTap(String uri, Expression body)
          Deprecated. use the fluent builder from WireTapDefinition, will be removed in Camel 3.0
 WireTapDefinition<Type> ProcessorDefinition.wireTap(String uri, Processor processor)
          Deprecated. use the fluent builder from WireTapDefinition, will be removed in Camel 3.0
 WireTapDefinition<Type> ProcessorDefinition.wireTap(String uri, String executorServiceRef)
          Deprecated. use the fluent builder from WireTapDefinition, will be removed in Camel 3.0

Apache Camel