Uses of Class

Packages that use ChoiceDefinition
org.apache.camel.model The JAXB POJOs for the XML Configuration of the routing rules. 

Uses of ChoiceDefinition in org.apache.camel.model

Methods in org.apache.camel.model that return ChoiceDefinition
 ChoiceDefinition ProcessorDefinition.choice()
          Content Based Router EIP: Creates a choice of one or more predicates with an otherwise clause
 ChoiceDefinition ProcessorDefinition.endChoice()
          Ends the current block and returns back to the choice() DSL.
 ChoiceDefinition ChoiceDefinition.otherwise()
          Sets the otherwise node
 ChoiceDefinition ChoiceDefinition.when(Predicate predicate)
          Sets the predicate for the when node

Methods in org.apache.camel.model that return types with arguments of type ChoiceDefinition
 ExpressionClause<ChoiceDefinition> ChoiceDefinition.when()
          Creates an expression for the when node

Apache Camel