Package org.apache.camel.language.simple.types

Types for the Camel Simple language.


Class Summary
SimpleToken Holder for a token, with associated type and position in the input.
SimpleTokenType The different token types used by the simple parser.

Enum Summary
BinaryOperatorType Types of binary operators supported
BinaryOperatorType.ParameterType Parameter types a binary operator supports on the right hand side.
LogicalOperatorType Types of logical operators supported
TokenType Classifications of known token types.
UnaryOperatorType Types of unary operators supported.

Exception Summary
SimpleIllegalSyntaxException Syntax error in the simple language expression.
SimpleParserException Holds information about error parsing the simple expression at a given location in the input.

Package org.apache.camel.language.simple.types Description

Types for the Camel Simple language.

Apache Camel