Uses of Class

Packages that use ExchangeBuilder
org.apache.camel.builder The Camel Domain Specific Language for creating Routes, Predicates, Expressions and Error Handlers

Uses of ExchangeBuilder in org.apache.camel.builder

Methods in org.apache.camel.builder that return ExchangeBuilder
static ExchangeBuilder ExchangeBuilder.anExchange(CamelContext context)
          Create the exchange by setting the camel context
 ExchangeBuilder ExchangeBuilder.withBody(Object body)
          Set the in message body on the exchange
 ExchangeBuilder ExchangeBuilder.withHeader(String key, Object value)
          Set the message header of the in message on the exchange
 ExchangeBuilder ExchangeBuilder.withPattern(ExchangePattern pattern)
          Set the message exchange pattern on the exchange
 ExchangeBuilder ExchangeBuilder.withProperty(String key, Object value)
          Set the exchange property

Apache Camel