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call(Exchange) - Method in class org.apache.camel.rx.support.ExchangeToBodyFunc1
call(Exchange) - Method in class org.apache.camel.rx.support.ExchangeToMessageFunc1
configure(Observable<T>) - Method in class org.apache.camel.rx.support.ObservableProcessor
Provides the configuration hook so that derived classes can process the observable to use whatever RX methods they wish to process the incoming events
createEndpointObservable(Endpoint, Func1<Exchange, T>) - Method in class org.apache.camel.rx.ReactiveCamel
Returns a newly created Observable given a function which converts the Exchange from the Camel consumer to the required type


doStart() - Method in class org.apache.camel.rx.support.ObservableProcessor
doStop() - Method in class org.apache.camel.rx.support.ObservableProcessor


endpoint(String) - Method in class org.apache.camel.rx.ReactiveCamel
EndpointObservable<T> - Class in org.apache.camel.rx.support
An Observable Camel Endpoint
EndpointObservable(Endpoint, Func1<Observer<T>, Subscription>) - Constructor for class org.apache.camel.rx.support.EndpointObservable
EndpointSubscription<T> - Class in org.apache.camel.rx.support
An RX Subscription on a Camel Endpoint
EndpointSubscription(Endpoint, Observer<T>, Func1<Exchange, T>) - Constructor for class org.apache.camel.rx.support.EndpointSubscription
ExchangeToBodyFunc1<T> - Class in org.apache.camel.rx.support
A simple Func1 to convert an Exchange to the given type using the IN Message's body
ExchangeToBodyFunc1(Class<T>) - Constructor for class org.apache.camel.rx.support.ExchangeToBodyFunc1
ExchangeToMessageFunc1 - Class in org.apache.camel.rx.support
A simple Func1 to convert an Exchange to its IN Message
ExchangeToMessageFunc1() - Constructor for class org.apache.camel.rx.support.ExchangeToMessageFunc1


getCamelContext() - Method in class org.apache.camel.rx.ReactiveCamel
getEndpoint() - Method in class org.apache.camel.rx.support.EndpointSubscription
getInstance() - Static method in class org.apache.camel.rx.support.ExchangeToMessageFunc1
getObservable() - Method in class org.apache.camel.rx.support.ObservableProcessor
Returns the Observable for this Processor so that the messages that are received can be processed using the RX Java API
getObserver() - Method in class org.apache.camel.rx.support.EndpointSubscription


ObservableBody<T> - Class in org.apache.camel.rx
A base class for a Processor which allows you to process messages using an < org.apache.camel.Message> by implementing the abstract org.apache.camel.rx.support.ObservableProcessor#configure(rx.Observable) method.
ObservableBody(Class<T>) - Constructor for class org.apache.camel.rx.ObservableBody
ObservableMessage - Class in org.apache.camel.rx
A base class for a Processor which allows you to process messages using an by implementing the abstract ObservableProcessor.configure(rx.Observable) method.
ObservableMessage() - Constructor for class org.apache.camel.rx.ObservableMessage
ObservableProcessor<T> - Class in org.apache.camel.rx.support
A base class for implementing a Processor which provides access to an Observable so that the messages can be processed using the RX Java API
ObservableProcessor(Func1<Exchange, T>) - Constructor for class org.apache.camel.rx.support.ObservableProcessor
ObserverSender - Class in org.apache.camel.rx.support
An Observer which sends events to a given Endpoint
ObserverSender(Endpoint) - Constructor for class org.apache.camel.rx.support.ObserverSender
onCompleted() - Method in class org.apache.camel.rx.support.ObserverSender
onError(Throwable) - Method in class org.apache.camel.rx.support.ObserverSender
onNext(Object) - Method in class org.apache.camel.rx.support.ObserverSender
org.apache.camel.rx - package org.apache.camel.rx
The Reactive Camel library for working with Reactive Extensions and Camel using RxJava
org.apache.camel.rx.support - package org.apache.camel.rx.support


process(Exchange) - Method in class org.apache.camel.rx.support.ObservableProcessor
process(Exchange) - Method in class org.apache.camel.rx.support.ProcessorToObserver
ProcessorToObserver<T> - Class in org.apache.camel.rx.support
A Processor which invokes an underling Observer as messages arrive using the given function to convert the Exchange to the required object
ProcessorToObserver(Func1<Exchange, T>, Observer<T>) - Constructor for class org.apache.camel.rx.support.ProcessorToObserver


ReactiveCamel - Class in org.apache.camel.rx
Provides the Reactive Extensions support for Camel via the RxJava library
ReactiveCamel(CamelContext) - Constructor for class org.apache.camel.rx.ReactiveCamel
RuntimeCamelRxException - Exception in org.apache.camel.rx
A runtime exception caused by using the Camel RX layer
RuntimeCamelRxException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.camel.rx.RuntimeCamelRxException
RuntimeCamelRxException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.camel.rx.RuntimeCamelRxException
RuntimeCamelRxException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.camel.rx.RuntimeCamelRxException
RuntimeCamelRxException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.camel.rx.RuntimeCamelRxException


send(Exchange) - Method in class org.apache.camel.rx.support.ObserverSender
sendTo(Observable<T>, String) - Method in class org.apache.camel.rx.ReactiveCamel
Sends events on the given Observable to the given camel endpoint
sendTo(Observable<T>, Endpoint) - Method in class org.apache.camel.rx.ReactiveCamel
Sends events on the given Observable to the given camel endpoint


toObservable(String) - Method in class org.apache.camel.rx.ReactiveCamel
Returns an < org.apache.camel.Message > to allow the messages sent on the endpoint to be processed using Reactive Extensions
toObservable(String, Class<T>) - Method in class org.apache.camel.rx.ReactiveCamel
Returns an for the messages with their payload converted to the given type to allow the messages sent on the endpoint to be processed using Reactive Extensions
toObservable(Endpoint) - Method in class org.apache.camel.rx.ReactiveCamel
Returns an < org.apache.camel.Message > to allow the messages sent on the endpoint to be processed using Reactive Extensions
toObservable(Endpoint, Class<T>) - Method in class org.apache.camel.rx.ReactiveCamel
Returns an for the messages with their payload converted to the given type to allow the messages sent on the endpoint to be processed using Reactive Extensions
toString() - Method in class org.apache.camel.rx.ObservableBody
toString() - Method in class org.apache.camel.rx.support.EndpointObservable
toString() - Method in class org.apache.camel.rx.support.EndpointSubscription


unsubscribe() - Method in class org.apache.camel.rx.support.EndpointSubscription
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Apache Camel