Since we're on a major migration process of this website, some component documents here are out of sync right now. In the meantime you may want to look at the early version of the new website
We would very much like to receive any feedback on the new site, please join the discussion on the Camel user mailing list.

The current Apache Camel website and documentation is currently undergoing work to be rewamped and updated for a modern website.

This work has been underway for a longer time. We kicked off the work by migrating the documentation of every Camel component
from the wiki system 
to the source code as ascii doc files. This allowed us during the build of the Apache Camel project to automatic
keep parts of the documentation 
up-to-date with the source code, such as when new options is added to components.
We then moved on migrate all the data formats, languages, and the EIP patterns.
This has been substantial work, as if you were to print all the Camel documentation then it would be more than 3000 sheets of papers.

At this point of time, we are about to draft up a new table of content (TOC) for the new Apache Camel documentation and user guide.
With the new TOC we 
will then re-work all the user guide documentation to be updated and focus on modern development with Camel.
In doing so we will grab the good parts of the existing (older) documentation, and in places needed, we will rewrite the documentation.

The new website and documentation has a new build system that is also worked. When this  system is ready we will have a new
staging URL where we will regularly 
publish the content, so users can follow the progress.

Because the new documentation will be in the source code and in ascii doc format, then it's easier for Camel users to contribute and help
- you can simply just 
submit patches as GitHub PRs.

Have patience with us, as it may take a couple of months for us to be ready to publish the staging URL.

We anticipate to have a new website and documentation ready in Q3 2018 (after the holiday season).

On behalf of the Camel PMC,
Claus Ibsen

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