Since we're on a major migration process of this website, some component documents here are out of sync right now. In the meantime you may want to look at the early version of the new website
We would very much like to receive any feedback on the new site, please join the discussion on the Camel user mailing list.

The Apache Camel PMC is pleased to introduce two new committers: Ashwin Karpe and Stanley Lewis. We are very happy with the sustained growth of the project and look forward to continued contributions from the community and adding to the ranks of Camel Riders.

Ashwin Karpe was involved with Camel for well over a year now. Ashwin is an active promoter of and contributor to Camel. Most notable are his recent contributions of new components like camel-printer, camel-lucene and a few others which are really nice additions to the Camel portfolio.

Stan Lewis has also a long track record with Camel. He contributed to the code and got involved with the community on the mailing lists. Stan reworked a few components and made them production ready, like atom, xmpp and more recently tackled the core and other components like freemarker and mina.

Ashwin, Stan, on behalf of the Camel PMC, welcome to Apache!

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