Apache Blur (Incubating) - Get Involved

If you're interested in searching massive amounts of data, there's a place for you here.

Source Code

Blur uses Apache's git repo, users can checkout here:

git clone http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator-blur.git

For committers, you should use https in the URL above.

Or, fork us on GitHub here:



If you discover an issue with Blur, please create an issue in
JIRA so we can track it's resolution.

Mailing Lists

Like everything else in the ASF, everything with Blur happens on a mailing list of some sort.


If you're using Blur or are interested in using Blur, this is where questions of usage happen:


If you're interested in contributing to Blur internals or how Blur works, please use the dev list:


For developers actively tracking the code base, diffs of all commits go here:


The documentation resides in Subversion at:

svn co http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/blur/site/trunk

For committers, use https instead.

If you're doing lots of documentation edits/changes, you may want to just run the build scripts locally and work directly with svn as usual. If you aren't a committer yet, please submit a patch through JIRA.

If you're making smallish edits or aren't yet a committer, you can take advantage of the fact that we use the Apache CMS. You can install the bookmarklet and make edits as you're browsing the site. There's a long-ish video tutorial on using the CMS but it's fairly intuitive.


Some designs, longer term discussions will take place on the wiki