Class FieldReaderDataSource

  extended by org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.DataSource<Reader>
      extended by org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.FieldReaderDataSource

public class FieldReaderDataSource
extends DataSource<Reader>

This can be useful for users who have a DB field containing xml and wish to use a nested XPathEntityProcessor

The datasouce may be configured as follows

<datasource name="f1" type="FieldReaderDataSource" />

The enity which uses this datasource must keep the url value as the variable name url="field-name"

The fieldname must be resolvable from VariableResolver

This may be used with any EntityProcessor which uses a DataSource<Reader> eg: XPathEntityProcessor

Supports String, BLOB, CLOB data types and there is an extra field (in the entity) 'encoding' for BLOB types


Field Summary
protected  String dataField
protected  VariableResolver vr
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void close()
          Cleans up resources of this DataSource after use.
 Reader getData(String query)
          Get records for the given query.The return type depends on the implementation .
 void init(Context context, Properties initProps)
          Initializes the DataSource with the Context and initialization properties.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected VariableResolver vr


protected String dataField
Constructor Detail


public FieldReaderDataSource()
Method Detail


public void init(Context context,
                 Properties initProps)
Description copied from class: DataSource
Initializes the DataSource with the Context and initialization properties.

This is invoked by the DataImporter after creating an instance of this class.

Specified by:
init in class DataSource<Reader>


public Reader getData(String query)
Description copied from class: DataSource
Get records for the given query.The return type depends on the implementation .

Specified by:
getData in class DataSource<Reader>
query - The query string. It can be a SQL for JdbcDataSource or a URL for HttpDataSource or a file location for FileDataSource or a custom format for your own custom DataSource.
Depends on the implementation. For instance JdbcDataSource returns an Iterator<Map <String,Object>>


public void close()
Description copied from class: DataSource
Cleans up resources of this DataSource after use.

Specified by:
close in class DataSource<Reader>

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