Package org.qi4j.spi.entitystore

EntityStore SPI.


Interface Summary
BackupRestore Allow backups and restores of data in an EntityStore to be made
EntityStateVersions Entity versions state.
EntityStore Interface that must be implemented by store for persistent state of EntityComposites.
EntityStoreSPI EntityStore SPI.
EntityStoreUnitOfWork EntityStore UnitOfWork.
StateChangeListener Implement this interface in a Service if you want it to listen to changes from EntityStores.
StateCommitter After all EntityStore's have been prepared by UnitOfWork.complete()

Class Summary
ConcurrentModificationCheckConcern Concern that helps EntityStores do concurrent modification checks.
DefaultEntityStoreUnitOfWork Default EntityStore UnitOfWork.
EntityStateVersions.EntityStateVersionsMixin Entity versions state mixin.
StateChangeNotificationConcern State change notification Concern.

Exception Summary
ConcurrentEntityStateModificationException This exception should be thrown if the EntityStore detects that the entities being saved have been changed since they were created.
EntityAlreadyExistsException This exception is thrown when an Entity already exists.
EntityNotFoundException This exception is thrown when an Entity could not be found.
EntityStoreException Base EntityStore Exception.
ReadOnlyEntityStoreException This exception is thrown for methods that creates or updates entities in read-only EntityStores.

Package org.qi4j.spi.entitystore Description

EntityStore SPI.