Interface CronSchedule

All Superinterfaces:
Composite, EntityComposite, Identity, Schedule
All Known Subinterfaces:
CronScheduleEntity, CronScheduleValue
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CronSchedule
extends Schedule, EntityComposite

Nested Class Summary
static class CronSchedule.CronScheduleMixin
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.qi4j.api.entity.Identity
Method Summary
 Property<java.lang.String> cronExpression()
          The Cron expression indicating when the Schedule is to be run.
Methods inherited from interface org.qi4j.library.scheduler.schedule.Schedule
isTaskRunning, nextRun, presentationString, start, task, taskCompletedSuccessfully, taskCompletedWithException, taskStarting
Methods inherited from interface org.qi4j.api.entity.Identity

Method Detail


Property<java.lang.String> cronExpression()
The Cron expression indicating when the Schedule is to be run. The Schedule can NOT be changed once it is set. If this is needed, delete this Schedule and attach the Task to a new Schedule.

The cron expression that will be used on UnitOfWork completion to compute next run