Interface Scheduler

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public interface Scheduler

Scheduler. This is the only interface you should use in your application for scheduling tasks. See SchedulerConfiguration for configuration properties. See in SchedulerAssembler how to assemble a Scheduler and optional Timeline. By default, a Schedule is not durable. In other words, it do not survive an Application restart. To make a Schedule durable, set it's durable property to true once its scheduled. Durable Schedules that have no future run are removed by SchedulerGarbageCollector.

Method Summary
 Schedule scheduleCron(Task task, java.lang.String cronExpression, boolean durable)
          Schedule a Task using a CronExpression.
 Schedule scheduleCron(Task task, java.lang.String cronExpression, org.joda.time.DateTime start, boolean durable)
          Schedule a Task using a CronExpression starting at a given date.
 Schedule scheduleCron(Task task, java.lang.String cronExpression, long initialDelay, boolean durable)
          Schedule a Task using a CronExpression with a given initial delay in milliseconds.
 Schedule scheduleOnce(Task task, org.joda.time.DateTime runAt, boolean durable)
          Schedule a Task to be run after a given initial delay in seconds.
 Schedule scheduleOnce(Task task, int initialSecondsDelay, boolean durable)
          Schedule a Task to be run after a given initial delay in seconds.

Method Detail


Schedule scheduleOnce(Task task,
                                                          int initialSecondsDelay,
                                                          boolean durable)
Schedule a Task to be run after a given initial delay in seconds.

task - Task to be scheduled once
initialSecondsDelay - Initial delay the Task will be run after, in seconds
durable - true if this Schedule should survive a restart.
The newly created Schedule


Schedule scheduleOnce(Task task,
                                                          org.joda.time.DateTime runAt,
                                                          boolean durable)
Schedule a Task to be run after a given initial delay in seconds.

task - Task to be scheduled once
runAt - The future point in time when the Schedule will be run.
durable - true if this Schedule should survive a restart.
The newly created Schedule


Schedule scheduleCron(Task task,
                                                          java.lang.String cronExpression,
                                                          boolean durable)
Schedule a Task using a CronExpression.

task - Task to be scheduled once
cronExpression - CronExpression for creating the Schedule for the given Task
durable - true if this Schedule should survive a restart.
The newly created Schedule


Schedule scheduleCron(Task task,
                                                          java.lang.String cronExpression,
                                                          long initialDelay,
                                                          boolean durable)
Schedule a Task using a CronExpression with a given initial delay in milliseconds.

task - Task to be scheduled once
cronExpression - CronExpression for creating the Schedule for the given Task
initialDelay - Initial delay the Schedule will be active after, in milliseconds
durable - true if this Schedule should survive a restart.
The newly created Schedule


Schedule scheduleCron(Task task,
                                                          java.lang.String cronExpression,
                                                          org.joda.time.DateTime start,
                                                          boolean durable)
Schedule a Task using a CronExpression starting at a given date.

task - Task to be scheduled once
cronExpression - CronExpression for creating the Schedule for the given Task
start - Date from which the Schedule will become active
durable - true if this Schedule should survive a restart.
The newly created Schedule