Interface RebuildingStrategy

All Known Implementing Classes:
RebuildingStrategy.AlwaysNeed, RebuildingStrategy.NeedOnChange, RebuildingStrategy.NeverNeed

public interface RebuildingStrategy

Helper interface to let the user of SQL-Indexing decide when to re-build SQL schema. Rebuilding means first deleting all tables that are going to be used, and then creating them. Useful for tests or when your app is in dev mode. You can decide your application's re-building policy for example like this: mainModule.addServices(RebuildingStrategy.class).withMixins(RebuildingStrategy.AlwaysNeed.class); . This way your application will always re-build all index data at startup.

Nested Class Summary
static class RebuildingStrategy.AlwaysNeed
          The re-building strategy which ALWAYS re-builds the database schema.
static class RebuildingStrategy.NeedOnChange
          The re-building strategy, which re-builds everything when application version changes.
static class RebuildingStrategy.NeverNeed
          The re-building strategy which NEVER re-builds the database schema.
Method Summary
 boolean rebuildingRequired(java.lang.String dbAppVersion, java.lang.String currentAppVersion)

Method Detail


boolean rebuildingRequired(java.lang.String dbAppVersion,
                           java.lang.String currentAppVersion)