Package org.qi4j.functional

Functional API.


Interface Summary
Function<From,To> Generic function interface to map from one type to another.
Function2<First,Second,To> Generic function interface to map from two parameters to a third.
HierarchicalVisitor<NODE,LEAF,ThrowableType extends Throwable> Visitor to visit hierarchies.
Specification<T> Generic specification interface.
Visitable<T> Interface that visitable objects should implement.
VisitableHierarchy<NODE,LEAF> Interface that visitable hierarchies of objects should implement.
Visitor<T,ThrowableType extends Throwable> Generic Visitor interface.

Class Summary
ForEach<T> When using Iterables with map() and filter() the code often reads "in reverse", with the first item last in the code.
Functions Utility functions.
HierarchicalVisitorAdapter<NODE,LEAF,ThrowableType extends Throwable> Generic Hierarchical Visitor interface.
Iterables Utility methods for working with Iterables.
Specifications Common generic specification expressions
Specifications.AndSpecification<T> AND Specification.
Specifications.OrSpecification<T> OR Specification.

Package org.qi4j.functional Description

Functional API.