Class StackedGraphDisplay.LabelLayout

  extended by prefuse.activity.Activity
      extended by prefuse.action.Action
          extended by prefuse.action.GroupAction
              extended by prefuse.action.layout.Layout
                  extended by org.qi4j.envisage.graph.StackedGraphDisplay.LabelLayout
Enclosing class:

public class StackedGraphDisplay.LabelLayout
extends prefuse.action.layout.Layout

Set label positions. Labels are assumed to be DecoratorItem instances, decorating their respective nodes. The layout simply gets the bounds of the decorated node and assigns the label coordinates to the center of those bounds.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class prefuse.action.layout.Layout
m_anchor, m_bounds, m_bpts, m_insets, m_margin, m_tmpa, m_tmpb
Fields inherited from class prefuse.action.GroupAction
Fields inherited from class prefuse.action.Action
Fields inherited from class prefuse.activity.Activity
Constructor Summary
StackedGraphDisplay.LabelLayout(java.lang.String group)
Method Summary
 void run(double frac)
Methods inherited from class prefuse.action.layout.Layout
getLayoutAnchor, getLayoutBounds, setLayoutAnchor, setLayoutBounds, setMargin, setX, setY
Methods inherited from class prefuse.action.GroupAction
getGroup, setGroup
Methods inherited from class prefuse.action.Action
getVisualization, run, setVisualization
Methods inherited from class prefuse.activity.Activity
addActivityListener, alwaysRunAfter, cancel, fireActivityCancelled, fireActivityFinished, fireActivityScheduled, fireActivityStarted, fireActivityStepped, getDuration, getNextTime, getPace, getPacingFunction, getStartTime, getStepTime, getStopTime, isEnabled, isRunning, isScheduled, removeActivityListener, run, runAfter, runAt, setDuration, setEnabled, setPacingFunction, setStartTime, setStepTime
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public StackedGraphDisplay.LabelLayout(java.lang.String group)
Method Detail


public void run(double frac)
Specified by:
run in class prefuse.action.GroupAction