Package org.qi4j.api.value

Value API.


Interface Summary
ValueBuilder<T> Builder for Values.
ValueBuilderFactory Factory for Values and ValueBuilders.
ValueComposite ValueComposites are Composites that only has value, and equality is defined from its values and not any identity nor instance references.
ValueDescriptor Descriptor for ValueComposites.
ValueDeserializer Use a ValueDeserializer to create new values instances from serialized state.
ValueSerialization ValueSerialization API.
ValueSerialization.Formats Serialization format @Service tags.
ValueSerializer Use a ValueSerializer to serialize values state.

Class Summary
ValueBuilderTemplate<T> Builder template for Values.

Exception Summary
NoSuchValueException Thrown when no visible value of the requested type is found.
ValueSerializationException Thrown when an error occur during value state (de)serialization.

Package org.qi4j.api.value Description

Value API.