Package org.qi4j.api.unitofwork

UnitOfWork API.


Interface Summary
UnitOfWork All operations on entities goes through an UnitOfWork.
UnitOfWorkCallback Callback interface for UnitOfWork completion or discard.
UnitOfWorkFactory Factory for UnitOfWork.

Class Summary
UnitOfWorkOptions Set instances of this in MetaInfo on UnitOfWork or the associated Usecase.
UnitOfWorkTemplate<RESULT,ThrowableType extends Throwable> UnitOfWork Template.

Enum Summary

Exception Summary
ConcurrentEntityModificationException This exception is thrown by UnitOfWork.complete() if any entities that are being committed had been changed while the UnitOfWork was being executed.
EntityCompositeAlreadyExistsException If you try to create an EntityComposite whose identity already exists, then this exception will be thrown.
EntityTypeNotFoundException Qi4j exception to be thrown in case that an entity composite was not found during a lookup call.
NoSuchEntityException This exception indicates that the requested Entity with the given identity does not exist.
UnitOfWorkCompletionException When an attempt to UnitOfWork.complete() an UnitOfWork fails, this exception will be thrown.
UnitOfWorkException Base Exception for UnitOfWork related concerns.

Package org.qi4j.api.unitofwork Description

UnitOfWork API.