Package org.qi4j.api.constraint

Constraint API.


Interface Summary
Constraint<ANNOTATION extends Annotation,TYPE> All Constraints must implement this interface, which is used for each value validation.
ConstraintDescriptor Constraint Descriptor.
ConstraintsDescriptor Constraints Descriptor.

Class Summary
ConstraintViolation When a constraint violation has occurred (ie Constraint.isValid has returned false) it is put in a collection of all violations that have occurred for this value check.

Exception Summary
ConstraintImplementationNotFoundException This exception is thrown if a Constraint implementation can not be found.
ConstraintViolationException This Exception is thrown when there is one or more Constraint Violations in a method call.

Annotation Types Summary
ConstraintDeclaration All annotations that are used to trigger Constraints must have this annotation.
Constraints This annotation is used by composites and mixins to declare what Constraints can be applied in the Composite.
Name Annotation for parameter names.

Package org.qi4j.api.constraint Description

Constraint API.