Class Configuration.ConfigurationMixin<T>

  extended by org.qi4j.api.configuration.Configuration.ConfigurationMixin<T>
Type Parameters:
T -
All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing interface:

public static class Configuration.ConfigurationMixin<T>
extends java.lang.Object
implements Configuration<T>

Implementation of Configuration.

This is effectively an internal class in Qi4j and should never be used directly by user code.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.qi4j.api.configuration.Configuration
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
<T> T
findConfigurationInstanceFor(ServiceComposite serviceComposite, UnitOfWork uow)
 T get()
          Retrieves the user configuration instance managed by this Configuration.
 void refresh()
          Updates the values of the managed user ConfigurationComposite instance from the underlying EntityStore.
 void save()
          Persists the modified values in the user configuration instance to the underlying store.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Configuration.ConfigurationMixin()
Method Detail


public T get()
Description copied from interface: Configuration
Retrieves the user configuration instance managed by this Configuration.

Even if the user configuration is initialized from properties file, the consistency rules of Qi4j composites still applies. If the the properties file is missing a value, then the initialization will fail with a RuntimeException. If Constraints has been defined, those will need to be satisfied as well. The user configuration instance returned will fulfill the constraints and consistency normal to all composites, and can therefor safely be used with additional checks.

Specified by:
get in interface Configuration<T>
The fully initialized and ready-to-use user configuration instance.


public void refresh()
Description copied from interface: Configuration
Updates the values of the managed user ConfigurationComposite instance from the underlying EntityStore. Any modified values in the current user configuration that has not been saved, via method, will be lost.

Specified by:
refresh in interface Configuration<T>


public void save()
Description copied from interface: Configuration
Persists the modified values in the user configuration instance to the underlying store.

Specified by:
save in interface Configuration<T>


public <T> T findConfigurationInstanceFor(ServiceComposite serviceComposite,
                                          UnitOfWork uow)
                               throws java.lang.InstantiationException