
Licensing FAQ

Q: Can I use Qi4j Core in my commercial applications under a closed-source, proprietary license?

A: Yes. The Apache License is very business-friendly. Please observe the obligations on your part, especially regarding notices and patent licensing terms.

Q: My company has invested a lot of time to learn and understand the Qi4j platform, and we think we are really good at writing Qi4j applications and would like to start training others. Can we advertise that we are "Qi4j experts" or that we conduct "Advanced Qi4j training"?

A: Yes, the "fair use" license to the Qi4j trademarks allows third-party to use the Qi4j marks in such manner.

Qi4j and the Qi4j logo are trademarks of Richard Öberg, Niclas Hedhman and the members of the Qi4j Core Team. See Qi4j licensing for more information.
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