Qi4j Release 0.7

The Qi4j community is proud to announce the Release 0.7 of this amazing framework.
This release is an interim release to support the move to GIT-based infrastructure. We no longer use Subversion, and at the same time we changed to Git we also decided to break up the project in several smaller repositories to make development more efficient.

The new Git repositories are;

  • qi4j-core
  • qi4j-libraries
  • qi4j-extensions
  • qi4j-samples
  • qi4j-tutorials
  • qi4j-tests
  • qi4j-tools
  • qi4j-ide
  • qi4j-sandbox

and check out this page for more information on how to access them.

Further changes include a big refactoring of UnitOfWork, which will continue into version 0.8.

A lot of work has also gone into Envisage, the visualization tool of the Qi4j model. You just must check it out.

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