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  1. Hit number: 241

    Qi4j in 10 minutes

    Qi4j in 10 minutes Qi4j does not introduce any new programming language, no additional compilers needed and all your existing tools work just like before. It is pure Java 5. Qi4j works with Composites. The equivalent of an Object instance in OOP, is a Composite instance in Qi4j. Composites are const...

    Last modified: May 17, 2009 - Size: 12 kB
    / www.qi4j.org / Introduction to Qi4j / Qi4j in 10 minutes

  2. Hit number: 242

    Qi4j in 2 minutes

    Qi4j in 2 minutes To show that Qi4j is not necessarily complex, not hard to get going with and easy to deploy, we are first showing the classic HelloWorld, as small as it can get and still be Composite Oriented Programming and not only standard OOP. Ready, Set, Go! Let's say we want to do the common...

    Last modified: June 30, 2009 - Size: 6 kB
    / www.qi4j.org / Introduction to Qi4j / Qi4j in 2 minutes

  3. Hit number: 243

    Introduction to Qi4j

    Introduction to Qi4j This introduction is meant for the Novice Qi4j developer, who has just noticed Qi4j and wants to learn the basics. ...

    Last modified: March 24, 2008 - Size: 2 kB
    / www.qi4j.org / Introduction to Qi4j

  4. Hit number: 244

    Licensing Examples

    Licensing FAQ Q: Can I use Qi4j Core in my commercial applications under a closed-source, proprietary license. A: Yes. The Apache License is very business-friendly. Please observe the obligations on your part, especially regarding notices and patent licensing terms. Q: My company has invested a lot ...

    Last modified: July 09, 2009 - Size: 1 kB
    / www.qi4j.org / Licensing / Licensing Examples

  5. Hit number: 245


    Licensing All original source code in Qi4j is licensed under the Apache License version 2.0 (see below). The codebase may contain source code that were licensed under BSD and MIT licenses by its creator. These licenses are said to be compatible at source code level with the Apache License 2.0. All b...

    Last modified: July 09, 2009 - Size: 12 kB
    / www.qi4j.org / Licensing

  6. Hit number: 246


    News @ Qi4j No articles available ...

    Last modified: December 17, 2007 - Size: 772 bytes
    / www.qi4j.org / News

  7. Hit number: 247

    RSS Feed

    RSS Feed It is possible to receive the News @ Qi4j via RSS. You should be able to subscribe to RSS via this page . ...

    Last modified: December 17, 2007 - Size: 1 kB
    / www.qi4j.org / Community / RSS Feed

  8. Hit number: 248

    Playing Field

    Playing Field Qi4J is a collaborative effort of open development, and we need to have some rules in place to make that work. Below is an evolving list of rules and guidelines that we try to follow. Coding Standard The coding standard at Qi4j promotes whitespace to aid in reading the code. Opening br...

    Last modified: December 27, 2008 - Size: 5 kB
    / www.qi4j.org / Community / Playing Field

  9. Hit number: 249

    Mailing Lists

    Mailing Lists To participate in the Qi4j development, please subscribe to the qi4j-dev-subscribe@lists.ops4j.org mailing list. ...

    Last modified: December 27, 2008 - Size: 1 kB
    / www.qi4j.org / Community / Mailing Lists

  10. Hit number: 250


    Community Qi4j is an open development community effort with an Apache ver 2.0 open source license. What does this really mean. First of all, we work together to achieve the visions of Qi4j, based on technical merits alone in an open and friendly manner, mostly via e-mail to the mailing list. It mean...

    Last modified: December 27, 2008 - Size: 1 kB
    / www.qi4j.org / Community

Result: 241-250 of 250

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