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  1. Hit number: 141


    AssemblerCollection Abstract goes here... Description goes here... package org.qi4j import public interface { } Description of Example goes here... if( ... ) ...

    Last modified: March 13, 2008 - Size: 2 kB
    / www.qi4j.org / Documentation / Qi4j - The Complete Manual / Runtime Bootstrap API / AssemblerCollection

  2. Hit number: 142


    Assembler The Assembler interface is useful to prepare code that populates (assembles) the ModuleAssembly with Composites, Objects and Services. Description goes here... package org.qi4j.bootstrap; public interface Assembler { void assemble( ModuleAssembly module ) throws AssemblyException; } The fo...

    Last modified: March 12, 2008 - Size: 4 kB
    / www.qi4j.org / Documentation / Qi4j - The Complete Manual / Runtime Bootstrap API / Assembler

  3. Hit number: 143


    interface ApplicationFactory Abstract goes here... Description goes here... Description of Example goes here... if( ... ) ...

    Last modified: March 13, 2008 - Size: 1 kB
    / www.qi4j.org / Documentation / Qi4j - The Complete Manual / Runtime Bootstrap API / ApplicationFactory

  4. Hit number: 144


    interface ApplicationAssemblyFactory Abstract goes here... Description goes here... Description of Example goes here... if( ... ) ...

    Last modified: March 13, 2008 - Size: 1 kB
    / www.qi4j.org / Documentation / Qi4j - The Complete Manual / Runtime Bootstrap API / ApplicationAssemblyFactory

  5. Hit number: 145


    interface ApplicationAssembly Abstract goes here... Description goes here... Description of Example goes here... if( ... ) ...

    Last modified: March 13, 2008 - Size: 1 kB
    / www.qi4j.org / Documentation / Qi4j - The Complete Manual / Runtime Bootstrap API / ApplicationAssembly

  6. Hit number: 146


    abstract class AbstractAssembly Abstract goes here... Description goes here... Description of Example goes here... if( ... ) ...

    Last modified: December 17, 2007 - Size: 1 kB
    / www.qi4j.org / Documentation / Qi4j - The Complete Manual / Runtime Bootstrap API / AbstractAssembly

  7. Hit number: 147

    Runtime Bootstrap API

    Runtime Bootstrap API Qi4j is very flexible in its usage and we don't force people to use any particular mechanism. Therefor Qi4j will not start itself, and has no configuration files, assembly descriptor files and so on. Getting Qi4j running is the responsible for the application, but it should not...

    Last modified: July 11, 2009 - Size: 13 kB
    / www.qi4j.org / Documentation / Qi4j - The Complete Manual / Runtime Bootstrap API

  8. Hit number: 148


    RDF API Qi4j is RDF friendly in many ways. Not only is the default indexing and querying done using RDF, but the application structure can be browsed or exported as well. All this is done through the RDF API. ...

    Last modified: March 13, 2008 - Size: 766 bytes
    / www.qi4j.org / Documentation / Qi4j - The Complete Manual / Core System API / Extension SPIs / RDF API

  9. Hit number: 149

    Serialization API

    Serialization API Content goes here... ...

    Last modified: March 13, 2008 - Size: 605 bytes
    / www.qi4j.org / Documentation / Qi4j - The Complete Manual / Core System API / Extension SPIs / Serialization API

  10. Hit number: 150

    Indexing SPI

    Indexing SPI Content goes here... ...

    Last modified: December 17, 2007 - Size: 596 bytes
    / www.qi4j.org / Documentation / Qi4j - The Complete Manual / Core System API / Extension SPIs / Indexing SPI

Result: 141-150 of 250

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