Interface AlarmModel

All Known Subinterfaces:
ExtendedAlarmModelService, SimpleAlarmModelService, StandardAlarmModelService
All Known Implementing Classes:
ExtendedAlarmModelService.ExtendedAlarmModelMixin, SimpleAlarmModelService.SimpleAlarmModelMixin, StandardAlarmModelService.StandardAlarmModelMixin

public interface AlarmModel

Definition of the behaviour of the alarm model.

The AlarmModel is basically the state machine of the Alarm system, and it is possible to define different AlarmModels for each and every alarm. Alarms that are assigned the default AlarmModel of the AlarmSystem can be re-assigned another AlarmModel in runtime, just by changing the default AlarmModel in the AlarmSystem. Alarms can also change the AlarmModel by calling the setAlarmModel in each alarm individually.

See Also:

Method Summary
 List<String> alarmTriggers()
          Returns an array of alarm triggers valid for this AlarmModel.
 boolean computeCondition(AlarmStatus status)
 String computeTrigger(AlarmStatus status, boolean condition)
 AlarmEvent evaluate(Alarm alarm, String trigger)
          Execute the required changes upon an AlarmTrigger.
 String modelDescription()
          Returns a Description of the AlarmModel in the default Locale.
 String modelDescription(Locale locale)
          Returns a Description of the AlarmModel.
 String modelName()
          Returns the Name of the AlarmModel.
 List<String> statusList()

Method Detail


AlarmEvent evaluate(Alarm alarm,
                    String trigger)
                    throws IllegalArgumentException
Execute the required changes upon an AlarmTrigger. The AlarmSystem calls this method. The AlarmModel must NOT update the Alarm itself, and only return the resulting event, and the AlarmSystem will update the AlarmStatus accordingly.

alarm - The Alarm the trigger is for.
trigger - the AlarmTrigger that was used.
An AlarmEvent representing the state change for the given trigger.
IllegalArgumentException - If the trigger given is not supported by this alarm model.


List<String> statusList()


List<String> alarmTriggers()
Returns an array of alarm triggers valid for this AlarmModel. Alarms are triggered by alarm triggers, which are predefined java.lang.Strings. The AlarmModel advertise which alarm trigger strings it supports with this method.

an array of alarm triggers valid for this AlarmModel.


String computeTrigger(AlarmStatus status,
                      boolean condition)


boolean computeCondition(AlarmStatus status)


String modelName()
Returns the Name of the AlarmModel. This normally returns the human readable technical name of the AlarmModel.

The system name of this alarm model.


String modelDescription()
Returns a Description of the AlarmModel in the default Locale. This normally returns a full Description of the AlarmModel in the default Locale.

the description of the ModelProvider, in the default locale.


String modelDescription(@Optional
                        Locale locale)
Returns a Description of the AlarmModel. This normally returns a full Description of the AlarmModel in the Locale. If Locale is null, then the default Locale is used.

locale - The locale that should be used for the description, or null for the default locale.
The human readable, in the given locale, description of this alarm model.