Class QNameInfo

  extended by

public final class QNameInfo
extends Object

A helper interface to encapsulate information about qualified name and how it appears in database. See #fromProperty(QualifiedName, List, String, Type, String), #fromAssociation(QualifiedName, String, Type) and #fromManyAssociation(QualifiedName, String, Type) methods in order to instantiate this class.

Nested Class Summary
static class QNameInfo.QNameType
          Currently all possible types of qualified names: QNameInfo.QNameType.PROPERTY for properties, QNameInfo.QNameType.ASSOCIATION for associations, and QNameInfo.QNameType.MANY_ASSOCIATION for many-associations.
Method Summary
static QNameInfo fromAssociation(QualifiedName qName, String tableName, AssociationDescriptor assoDescriptor)
          Creates information about specified qualified name which represents an association.
static QNameInfo fromManyAssociation(QualifiedName qName, String tableName, AssociationDescriptor manyAssoDescriptor)
          Creates information about specified qualified name which represents a many-association.
static QNameInfo fromProperty(QualifiedName qName, String tableName, PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor)
          Creates information about specified qualified name which represents a property.
 AssociationDescriptor getAssociationDescriptor()
          Returns AssociationDescriptor associated with this association, if this qualified name info represents an association.
 Integer getCollectionDepth()
          If qualified name represented by this interface is a property with collection as type, returns the amount of nested collections + 1.
 Type getFinalType()
          Returns the non-collection type of this qualified name.
 AssociationDescriptor getManyAssociationDescriptor()
          Returns AssociationDescriptor associated with this many-association, if this qualified name info represents a many-association.
 PropertyDescriptor getPropertyDescriptor()
          Returns PropertyDescriptor associated with this property, if this qualified name info represents a property.
 QualifiedName getQName()
          Gets the qualified name this interface represents.
 QNameInfo.QNameType getQNameType()
          Gets the type of represented qualified name: either QNameInfo.QNameType.PROPERTY for properties, QNameInfo.QNameType.ASSOCIATION for associations, or QNameInfo.QNameType.MANY_ASSOCIATION for many-associations.
 String getTableName()
          Gets the table name in database, used to store values of the qualified name this interface represents.
 Boolean isFinalTypePrimitive()
          Returns whether the final (non-collection) type of this qualified name is not seen as value composite.
 void setTableName(String tableName)
          Sets the previously undecided table name to some specific one.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public Integer getCollectionDepth()
If qualified name represented by this interface is a property with collection as type, returns the amount of nested collections + 1. That is, assuming X is not a collection, for type Property<Set<X>> this returns 1, for Property<Set<Set<X>>> this returns 2, etc. If qualified name represented by this interface is not a property or a property with no collection type, this method returns 0.

The collection depth (> 0) of qualified name, if this interface represents qualified name with collection property; 0 otherwise.


public Type getFinalType()
Returns the non-collection type of this qualified name. That is, for Property<X> this returns X if X is not a collection type, and for Property<Set<Y>> this returns Y if Y is not a collection type.

The non-collection type of this qualified name.


public QualifiedName getQName()
Gets the qualified name this interface represents.

The qualified name this interface represents.
See Also:


public String getTableName()
Gets the table name in database, used to store values of the qualified name this interface represents.

The table name in database, used to store values of the qualified name this interface represents. May be null if it is not yet decided.


public void setTableName(String tableName)
Sets the previously undecided table name to some specific one. This method only works when argument is non-null and current table name is null.

tableName - The new table name. Must be non-null.
IllegalArgumentException - If tableName is null.
IllegalStateException - If current table name is non-null.


public Boolean isFinalTypePrimitive()
Returns whether the final (non-collection) type of this qualified name is not seen as value composite. Always returns false for qualified names of type QNameInfo.QNameType.ASSOCIATION and QNameInfo.QNameType.MANY_ASSOCIATION.

true if getFinalType() is not seen as value composite type; false otherwise.


public PropertyDescriptor getPropertyDescriptor()
Returns PropertyDescriptor associated with this property, if this qualified name info represents a property. Returns null otherwise.

PropertyDescriptor if this qualified name info is associated with property, null otherwise.


public AssociationDescriptor getAssociationDescriptor()
Returns AssociationDescriptor associated with this association, if this qualified name info represents an association. Returns null otherwise.

AssociationDescriptor if this qualified name info is associated with association, null otherwise.


public AssociationDescriptor getManyAssociationDescriptor()
Returns AssociationDescriptor associated with this many-association, if this qualified name info represents a many-association. Returns null otherwise.

AssociationDescriptor if this qualified name info is associated with many-association, null otherwise.


public QNameInfo.QNameType getQNameType()
Gets the type of represented qualified name: either QNameInfo.QNameType.PROPERTY for properties, QNameInfo.QNameType.ASSOCIATION for associations, or QNameInfo.QNameType.MANY_ASSOCIATION for many-associations.

The type of represented qualified name: either QNameInfo.QNameType.PROPERTY, QNameInfo.QNameType.ASSOCIATION, or QNameInfo.QNameType.MANY_ASSOCIATION.


public static QNameInfo fromProperty(QualifiedName qName,
                                     String tableName,
                                     PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor)
Creates information about specified qualified name which represents a property.

qName - The qualified name of property.
tableName - The table name where the values of all instances of propertiy with this qualified name will be stored. May be null if it is to be decided later.
propertyDescriptor - PropertyDescriptor of this property.
An object representing information about property with this qualified name, and how instances of this property are stored in database.


public static QNameInfo fromAssociation(QualifiedName qName,
                                        String tableName,
                                        AssociationDescriptor assoDescriptor)
Creates information about specified qualified name which represents an association.

qName - The qualified name of the association.
tableName - The table name where the values of all instances of association with this qualified name will be stored. May be null if it is to be decided later.
assoDescriptor - AssociationDescriptor of this association.
An object representing information about association with this qualified name, and how instances of this association are stored in database.


public static QNameInfo fromManyAssociation(QualifiedName qName,
                                            String tableName,
                                            AssociationDescriptor manyAssoDescriptor)
Creates information about specified qualified name which represents a many-association.

qName - The qualified name of the many-association.
tableName - The table name where the values of all instances of many-association with this qualified name will be stored. May be null if it is to be decided later.
manyAssoDescriptor - AssociationDescriptor of this many-association.
An object representing information about many-association with this qualified name, and how instances of this many-association are stored in database.