Interface Constraint<ANNOTATION extends Annotation,TYPE>

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AlarmNameFormat.AlarmNameConstraint, ContainsConstraint, CronExpressionConstraint, GreaterThanConstraint, InstanceOfConstraint, LessThanConstraint, MatchesConstraint, MaxLengthConstraint, MinLengthConstraint, NotEmptyCollectionConstraint, NotEmptyStringConstraint, OneOfConstraint, RangeConstraint

public interface Constraint<ANNOTATION extends Annotation,TYPE>
extends Serializable

All Constraints must implement this interface, which is used for each value validation.

Method Summary
 boolean isValid(ANNOTATION annotation, TYPE value)
          For each value or parameter which should be checked this method will be invoked.

Method Detail


boolean isValid(ANNOTATION annotation,
                TYPE value)
For each value or parameter which should be checked this method will be invoked. If the method returns true the value is valid. If it returns false the value is considered invalid. When all constraints have been checked a ConstraintViolationException will be thrown with all the constraint violations that were found.

annotation - the annotation to match
value - the value to be checked
true if valid, false if invalid