Interface Configuration<T>

All Known Subinterfaces:
FileEntityStoreService, GaeEntityStoreService, HazelcastEntityStoreService, JdbmEntityStoreService, JMXConnectorService, VoldemortEntityStoreService
All Known Implementing Classes:
Configuration.ConfigurationMixin, HazelcastEntityStoreMixin

public interface Configuration<T>

Provide Configurations for Services. A Service that wants to be configurable should inject a reference to Configuration with the Configuration type:


@This Configuration<MyServiceConfiguration> config;

where MyServiceConfiguration extends ConfigurationComposite, which itself is an ordinary EntityComposite. The Configuration implementation will either locate an instance of the given Configuration type in the persistent store using the identity of the Service, or create a new such instance if one doesn't already exist.

If a new Configuration instance is created then it will be populated with properties from the properties file whose filesystem name is the same as the identity (e.g. ""). If a service is not given a name via the ServiceDeclaration.identifiedBy(String), the name will default to the FQCN of the ServiceComposite type.

The Configuration instance can be modified externally just like any other EntityComposite, but its values will not be updated in the Service until refresh() is called. This allows safe reloads of Configuration state to ensure that it is not reloaded while the Service is handling a request.

The Configuration will be automatically refreshed when the Service is activated through the Activatable.activate() method by the Qi4j runtime. Any refreshes at other points will have to be done manually or triggered through some other mechanism.

The user configuration entity is part of a long running UnitOfWork, and to persist changes to it the save() method must be called. No other actions are required. Example;


public interface MyConfiguration extends ConfigurationComposite { Property<Long> timeout(); }


@This Configuration<MyConfiguration> config;

: private void setTimeoutConfiguration( long timeout ) { config.configuration().timeout().set( timeout );; }

And even if a separate thread is using the timeout() configuration when this is happening, the UnitOfWork isolation will ensure that the other thread is not affected. That thread, on the other hand will need to do a refresh() at an appropriate time to pick up the timeout change. For instance;

Nested Class Summary
static class Configuration.ConfigurationMixin<T>
          Implementation of Configuration.
Method Summary
 T configuration()
          Retrieves the user configuration instance managed by this Configuration.
 void refresh()
          Updates the values of the managed user ConfigurationComposite instance from the underlying EntityStore.
 void save()
          Persists the modified values in the user configuration instance to the underlying store.

Method Detail


T configuration()
Retrieves the user configuration instance managed by this Configuration.

Even if the user configuration is initialized from properties file, the consistency rules of Qi4j composites still applies. If the the properties file is missing a value, then the initialization will fail with a RuntimeException. If Constraints has been defined, those will need to be satisfied as well. The user configuration instance returned will fulfill the constraints and consistency normal to all composites, and can therefor safely be used with additional checks.

The fully initialized and ready-to-use user configuration instance.


void refresh()
Updates the values of the managed user ConfigurationComposite instance from the underlying EntityStore. Any modified values in the current user configuration that has not been saved, via save() method, will be lost.


void save()
Persists the modified values in the user configuration instance to the underlying store.