Interface IndexExporter

All Known Subinterfaces:
PostgreSQLService, RdfExporter, RdfIndexingEngineService
All Known Implementing Classes:
PostgreSQLIndexExporter, RdfExporter.RdfExporterMixin

public interface IndexExporter

Interface for exporting the index currently held by the Indexing Engine. Index Engine implementations are encouraged to implement this interface to allow for trouble-shooting index related problems.

Method Summary
 void exportFormalToWriter(PrintWriter out)
          Write the index to the provided print writer in an implementation specific, machine-readable format, preferably either XML or JSON.
 void exportReadableToStream(PrintStream out)
          Write the index to the provided output stream in an implementation specific, human-readable format.

Method Detail


void exportReadableToStream(PrintStream out)
                            throws IOException,
Write the index to the provided output stream in an implementation specific, human-readable format.

out - The output stream that the index will be sent to.
IOException - if an IOException occurs in the underlying PrintStream.
UnsupportedOperationException - if the method is not supported by this implementation.


void exportFormalToWriter(PrintWriter out)
                          throws IOException,
Write the index to the provided print writer in an implementation specific, machine-readable format, preferably either XML or JSON.

out - The print writer that the index will be sent to.
IOException - if an IOException occurs in the underlying PrintWriter.
UnsupportedOperationException - if the method is not supported by this implementation.