Interface CachePool

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public interface CachePool

A CachePool is a service that manages the Persistence Caches.

The CachePool is typically implemented as a Qi4j Extension, and is an optional extension in the persistence subsystem of Qi4j. If a Cache Extension is not provided, caching will be turned off. However, since caching operate on EntityStore level, and is an optional component at that, just because you have defined a Cache Extension does not necessary mean that your system will use it. Check the EntityStore implementations for details if they are Cache enabled. Most EntityStore implementations has this enabled, often via the MapEntityStore and JSONMapEntityStore SPI.

NOTE: Make sure that there is a match between the fetchCache and returnCache methods, to ensure no memory leakage occur. Also remember that if the reference count reaches zero, the CachePool will destroy the Cache as soon as possible and a new fetchCache will return an empty one.

Method Summary
<T> Cache<T>
fetchCache(String cacheId, Class<T> valueType)
          Fethces a cache from the pool.
 void returnCache(Cache cache)
          Returns the cache back to the pool.

Method Detail


<T> Cache<T> fetchCache(String cacheId,
                        Class<T> valueType)
Fethces a cache from the pool. If the cache does not exist alread, then a new Cache should be created and returned. For each fetchCache() call, a reference count on the Cache must be increased.

Type Parameters:
T -
cacheId - The identity of the cache. If the same id is given as a previous fetch, the same cache will be returned.
valueType -


void returnCache(Cache cache)
Returns the cache back to the pool. The reference count for the cache must then be decreased and if the count reaches zero, the Cache should be destroyed and cleared from memory.

cache - The cache to return to the pool.