Package org.qi4j.library.servlet

Qi4j Library - Servlet


Class Summary
Qi4jFilter Base Filter providing easy access to the Application from the ServletContext.
Qi4jServlet Base HttpServlet providing easy access to the Application from the ServletContext.

Package org.qi4j.library.servlet Description

Qi4j Library - Servlet

This library provide the necessary mechanism to bootstrap a Qi4j Application in a Servlet container plus some facilities.


The SLF4J logger used by this library is named "org.qi4j.library.servlet".

Application Bootstrap

Extends AbstractQi4jServletBootstrap to easily bind a Qi4j Application activation/passivation to your webapp lifecycle.

Use Qi4jServletSupport#application(javax.servlet.ServletContext) to get a handle on the Application from the ServletContext.


Qi4jServlet and Qi4jFilter respectively provide base class for easy access to the Application from the ServletContext.