Interface EventSource

All Known Subinterfaces:
JdbmEventStoreService, MemoryEventStoreService
All Known Implementing Classes:
JdbmEventStoreService.JdbmEventStoreMixin, MemoryEventStoreService.MemoryEventStoreMixin

public interface EventSource

An EventSource is a source of events. Events are grouped in the UnitOfWork in which they were created.

Method Summary
 long count()
 Input<UnitOfWorkDomainEventsValue,IOException> events(long offset, long limit)
          Get list of UnitOfWorkDomainEventsValue after the given offset.

Method Detail


Input<UnitOfWorkDomainEventsValue,IOException> events(long offset,
                                                      long limit)
Get list of UnitOfWorkDomainEventsValue after the given offset. To get the first set of events, use 0 as offset parameter to get events from the start.

offset - where in the list of events to start
limit - maximum number of events returned


long count()