Class NamedSparqlDescriptor

  extended by org.qi4j.index.rdf.query.NamedSparqlDescriptor
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, NamedQueryDescriptor

public class NamedSparqlDescriptor
extends Object
implements NamedQueryDescriptor, Serializable

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
NamedSparqlDescriptor(String name, String query)
Method Summary
 String compose(Map<String,Object> variables, OrderBy[] orderBySegments, Integer firstResult, Integer maxResults)
          Creates a valid Query string.
 String language()
          Returns the name of the query language.
 String name()
          Returns the name of the query.
 List<String> variableNames()
          Returns a list of variable names allowed in the query.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public NamedSparqlDescriptor(String name,
                             String query)
Method Detail


public String name()
Description copied from interface: NamedQueryDescriptor
Returns the name of the query.

Specified by:
name in interface NamedQueryDescriptor
the name of the query as it is declared.


public String compose(Map<String,Object> variables,
                      OrderBy[] orderBySegments,
                      Integer firstResult,
                      Integer maxResults)
Description copied from interface: NamedQueryDescriptor
Creates a valid Query string.

Specified by:
compose in interface NamedQueryDescriptor
variables - The variables used, and their values.
orderBySegments - The list of OrderBy instrctions.
firstResult - The offset into the resultset.
maxResults - The maximum number of results to be returned.
A valid query in the language given.


public String language()
Description copied from interface: NamedQueryDescriptor
Returns the name of the query language.

Specified by:
language in interface NamedQueryDescriptor
The formal name of the query language.


public List<String> variableNames()
Description copied from interface: NamedQueryDescriptor
Returns a list of variable names allowed in the query.

Specified by:
variableNames in interface NamedQueryDescriptor
a list of variable names allowed in the query.