Interface ApplicationAssemblyFactory

public interface ApplicationAssemblyFactory

Factory for creating new Qi4j application assemblies. Typically you will implement one or more Assemblers, wrap them in an ApplicationAssembler, which then uses this factory to assemble and create applications.

Method Summary
 ApplicationAssembly newApplicationAssembly()
          Create a new ApplicationAssembly that can be used for the above method.
 ApplicationAssembly newApplicationAssembly(Assembler assembler)
          Create a new application with one layer and one module.
 ApplicationAssembly newApplicationAssembly(Assembler[][][] assemblers)
          Create a new application with the same amount of layers as the first array size, with modules according to the second array size, and then use the third array for assemblers of each module.

Method Detail


ApplicationAssembly newApplicationAssembly(Assembler assembler)
                                           throws AssemblyException
Create a new application with one layer and one module.

assembler - the assembler for the single module
the application instance
AssemblyException - if the application could not be assembled


ApplicationAssembly newApplicationAssembly(Assembler[][][] assemblers)
                                           throws AssemblyException
Create a new application with the same amount of layers as the first array size, with modules according to the second array size, and then use the third array for assemblers of each module. This gives you a simple way to create "pancake" layered applications.

assemblers - the set of assemblers for the application
the application instance
AssemblyException - if the application could not be assembled


ApplicationAssembly newApplicationAssembly()
Create a new ApplicationAssembly that can be used for the above method.

a new ApplicationAssembly