Interface Lifecycle

public interface Lifecycle

Lifecycle interface for all Composites.

This Lifecycle interface is a built-in feature of the Qi4j runtime, similar to the Initializable interface. Any Mixin that implements this interface AND is part of an EntityComposite will have these two methods called upon creation/removal of the EntityComposite instance to/from the EntityStore. Meaning, the create method is called only when the identifiable EntityComposite is created the first time, and not when it is read from its persisted state and created into memory.


 public interface System
     Property<User> admin();

 public class SystemAdminMixin
     implements System, Lifecyle, ...
      @Structure private UnitOfWork uow;
      @This private Identity meAsIdentity;

      public void create()
          String thisId = meAsIdentity.identity().get();
          EntityBuilder builder = uow.newEntityBuilder( thisId + ":1", UserComposite.class );
          User admin = builder.newInstance();
          admin.set( admin );

      public void remove()
          uow.remove( admin.get() );

 @Mixins( SystemAdminMixin.class )
 public interface SystemEntity extends System, EntityComposite


Method Summary
 void create()
          Creation callback method.
 void remove()
          Removal callback method.

Method Detail


void create()
            throws LifecycleException
Creation callback method.

Called by the Qi4j runtime before the newInstance of the entity completes, before the constraints are checked, allowing for additional initialization.

LifecycleException - if the entity could not be created


void remove()
            throws LifecycleException
Removal callback method.

Called by the Qi4j runtime before the entity is removed from the system, allowing for clean-up operations.

LifecycleException - if the entity could not be removed