AbstractCompositeDescriptor - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.composite
accessor() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entity.association.AssociationDescriptor
accessor() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entity.association.ManyAssociationDescriptor
accessor() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.property.PropertyDescriptor
accumulate(String, Object) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Accumulate values under a key.
activate() - Method in class org.qi4j.entitystore.map.JSONMapEntityStoreMixin
activate() - Method in class org.qi4j.entitystore.map.MapEntityStoreMixin
add(int, EntityReference) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entity.ManyAssociationState
add(int, EntityReference) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultManyAssociationState
add(int, EntityReference) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONManyAssociationState
addQuery(NamedQueryDescriptor) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.query.NamedQueries
annotation() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.constraint.ConstraintDescriptor
annotations() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.composite.DependencyDescriptor
Annotations - Class in org.qi4j.spi.util
Useful methods for handling Annotations.
Annotations() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.spi.util.Annotations
Annotations.AnnotationSpecification - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.util
Annotations.FilterIterable - Class in org.qi4j.spi.util
Annotations.FilterIterable(Iterable<? extends Annotation>, Annotations.AnnotationSpecification) - Constructor for class org.qi4j.spi.util.Annotations.FilterIterable
append(String, Object) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Append values to the array under a key.
ApplicationDescriptor - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.structure
ApplicationModelSPI - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.structure
ApplicationSPI - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.structure
SPI for Applications.
applyChanges(EntityStoreUnitOfWork, Iterable<EntityState>, String, long) - Method in class org.qi4j.entitystore.map.JSONMapEntityStoreMixin
applyChanges(MapEntityStore.MapChanges) - Method in interface org.qi4j.entitystore.map.MapEntityStore
applyChanges(EntityStoreUnitOfWork, Iterable<EntityState>, String, long) - Method in class org.qi4j.entitystore.map.MapEntityStoreMixin
applyChanges(MapEntityStore.MapChanges) - Method in class org.qi4j.entitystore.memory.MemoryMapEntityStoreMixin
applyChanges() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.DefaultEntityStoreUnitOfWork
applyChanges(EntityStoreUnitOfWork, Iterable<EntityState>, String, long) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.EntityStoreSPI
applyChanges() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.EntityStoreUnitOfWork
applyChanges(EntityStoreUnitOfWork, Iterable<EntityState>, String, long) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.StateChangeNotificationConcern
array() - Method in class org.json.JSONWriter
Begin appending a new array.
AssociationDescriptor - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.entity.association
associations() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entity.EntityStateDescriptor
associations() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entity.EntityType
associations - Variable in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultEntityState
associations() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultEntityState
associationType() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entity.association.AssociationDescriptor
AssociationType - Class in org.qi4j.spi.entity.association
AssociationType(QualifiedName, TypeName, boolean) - Constructor for class org.qi4j.spi.entity.association.AssociationType


back() - Method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Back up one character.
Base64Encoder - Class in org.qi4j.spi.util


Cache<T> - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.cache
Interface to interact with Cache implementations.
CachePool - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.cache
A CachePool is a service that manages the Persistence Caches.
cancel() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.StateCommitter
checkForConcurrentModification(Iterable<EntityState>, ModuleSPI) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.EntityStateVersions
checkForConcurrentModification(Iterable<EntityState>, ModuleSPI) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.EntityStateVersions.EntityStateVersionsMixin
CollectionUtils - Class in org.qi4j.spi.util
CollectionUtils() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.spi.util.CollectionUtils
commit() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.StateCommitter
compose(Map<String, Object>, OrderBy[], Integer, Integer) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.query.NamedQueryDescriptor
Creates a valid Query string.
CompositeInstance - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.composite
CompositeInvoker - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.composite
All composites must implement this interface.
CompositeMethodDescriptor - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.composite
ConcurrentEntityStateModificationException - Exception in org.qi4j.spi.entitystore
This exception should be thrown if the EntityStore detects that the entities being saved have been changed since they were created.
ConcurrentEntityStateModificationException(Collection<EntityReference>) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.ConcurrentEntityStateModificationException
ConcurrentModificationCheckConcern - Class in org.qi4j.spi.entitystore
Concern that helps EntityStores do concurrent modification checks.
ConcurrentModificationCheckConcern() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.ConcurrentModificationCheckConcern
configurationType() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.service.ServiceDescriptor
ConstraintDescriptor - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.constraint
constructor() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.composite.ConstructorDescriptor
ConstructorDescriptor - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.composite
contains(EntityReference, EntityType) - Method in class org.qi4j.entitystore.memory.MemoryMapEntityStoreMixin
contains(EntityReference) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entity.ManyAssociationState
contains(EntityReference) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultManyAssociationState
contains(EntityReference) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONManyAssociationState
copyTo(DefaultEntityState) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultEntityState
count() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entity.ManyAssociationState
count() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultManyAssociationState
count() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONManyAssociationState
countEntities(Class<?>, BooleanExpression) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.query.EntityFinder
countEntities(NamedQueryDescriptor, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.query.NamedEntityFinder
CyclicUsageException - Exception in org.qi4j.spi.util
CyclicUsageException(String) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.spi.util.CyclicUsageException


decode(String) - Static method in class org.qi4j.spi.util.Base64Encoder
Decodes a base 64 String into a String.
decode(byte[]) - Static method in class org.qi4j.spi.util.Base64Encoder
Decodes a base64 byte array into a byte array.
DefaultEntityState - Class in org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers
Standard implementation of EntityState.
DefaultEntityState(DefaultEntityStoreUnitOfWork, EntityReference, EntityDescriptor) - Constructor for class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultEntityState
DefaultEntityState(DefaultEntityStoreUnitOfWork, String, long, EntityReference, EntityStatus, EntityDescriptor, Map<QualifiedName, Object>, Map<QualifiedName, EntityReference>, Map<QualifiedName, List<EntityReference>>) - Constructor for class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultEntityState
DefaultEntityStoreUnitOfWork - Class in org.qi4j.spi.entitystore
DefaultEntityStoreUnitOfWork(EntityStoreSPI, String, ModuleSPI, Usecase) - Constructor for class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.DefaultEntityStoreUnitOfWork
DefaultManyAssociationState - Class in org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers
Default implementation of ManyAssociationState.
DefaultManyAssociationState(DefaultEntityState, List<EntityReference>) - Constructor for class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultManyAssociationState
DefaultValues - Class in org.qi4j.spi.property
Default values for various property types
DefaultValues() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.spi.property.DefaultValues
dehexchar(char) - Static method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Get the hex value of a character (base16).
dependencies() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.composite.InjectedParametersDescriptor
dependency() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.composite.InjectedFieldDescriptor
DependencyDescriptor - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.composite
descriptor() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.composite.CompositeInstance
DescriptorVisitor<ThrowableType extends java.lang.Throwable> - Class in org.qi4j.spi.structure
Extend and override this class in order to introspect a Qi4j model.
DescriptorVisitor() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.spi.structure.DescriptorVisitor
discard() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.DefaultEntityStoreUnitOfWork
discard() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.EntityStoreUnitOfWork
doubleToString(double) - Static method in class org.json.JSONObject
Produce a string from a double.


encode(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.qi4j.spi.util.Base64Encoder
Encodes a String into a base 64 String.
encode(byte[], boolean) - Static method in class org.qi4j.spi.util.Base64Encoder
Encodes a byte array into a base 64 byte array.
endArray() - Method in class org.json.JSONWriter
End an array.
endObject() - Method in class org.json.JSONWriter
End an object.
EntityAlreadyExistsException - Exception in org.qi4j.spi.entitystore
EntityAlreadyExistsException(EntityReference) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.EntityAlreadyExistsException
EntityDescriptor - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.entity
entityDescriptor() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entity.EntityState
entityDescriptor() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultEntityState
entityDescriptor() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONEntityState
entityDescriptor(String) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.structure.ModuleSPI
EntityFinder - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.query
EntityFinderException - Exception in org.qi4j.spi.query
EntityFinderException(String) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.spi.query.EntityFinderException
EntityFinderException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.spi.query.EntityFinderException
EntityFinderException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.spi.query.EntityFinderException
EntityNotFoundException - Exception in org.qi4j.spi.entitystore
EntityNotFoundException(EntityReference) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.EntityNotFoundException
EntityState - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.entity
EntityStateDescriptor - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.entity
EntityStateVersions - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.entitystore
EntityStateVersions.EntityStateVersionsMixin - Class in org.qi4j.spi.entitystore
EntityStateVersions.EntityStateVersionsMixin() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.EntityStateVersions.EntityStateVersionsMixin
EntityStatus - Enum in org.qi4j.spi.entity
Status of entity.
EntityStore - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.entitystore
Interface that must be implemented by store for persistent state of EntityComposites.
EntityStore.EntityStateVisitor<ThrowableType extends java.lang.Throwable> - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.entitystore
EntityStoreException - Exception in org.qi4j.spi.entitystore
EntityStoreException() - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.EntityStoreException
EntityStoreException(String) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.EntityStoreException
EntityStoreException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.EntityStoreException
EntityStoreException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.EntityStoreException
EntityStoreSPI - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.entitystore
EntityStoreUnitOfWork - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.entitystore
entityType() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entity.EntityDescriptor
EntityType - Class in org.qi4j.spi.entity
SPI-level description of an Entity type.
EntityType(TypeName, boolean, Set<String>, Set<PropertyType>, Set<AssociationType>, Set<ManyAssociationType>) - Constructor for class org.qi4j.spi.entity.EntityType
equals(Object) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entity.EntityType
equals(Object) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entity.QualifiedIdentity
exists(String) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.cache.Cache
exists(String) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.cache.NullCache
exportData() - Method in class org.qi4j.entitystore.memory.MemoryMapEntityStoreMixin
exportData() - Method in interface org.qi4j.entitystore.memory.TestData
exportFormalToWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.query.IndexExporter
Write the index to the provided print writer in an implementation specific, machine-readable format, preferably either XML or JSON.
exportReadableToStream(PrintStream) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.query.IndexExporter
Write the index to the provided output stream in an implementation specific, human-readable format.
ExportSupport - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.entitystore
Exports the entities in an EntityStore, using the JSON format.
exportTo(PrintWriter) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.ExportSupport
Export data to the writer, with one line per object, in JSON format.


failureReports() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.ImportSupport.ImportResult
Returns an array of problems in human readable form.
fetchCache(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.cache.CachePool
Fethces a cache from the pool.
field() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.composite.InjectedFieldDescriptor
filter(Annotations.AnnotationSpecification, Iterable<? extends Annotation>) - Static method in class org.qi4j.spi.util.Annotations
findEntities(Class<?>, BooleanExpression, OrderBy[], Integer, Integer) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.query.EntityFinder
findEntities(NamedQueryDescriptor, String, Map<String, Object>, OrderBy[], Integer, Integer) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.query.NamedEntityFinder
findEntity(Class<?>, BooleanExpression) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.query.EntityFinder
findEntity(NamedQueryDescriptor, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.query.NamedEntityFinder
first(Iterable<? extends Annotation>) - Static method in class org.qi4j.spi.util.Annotations
first(Annotations.AnnotationSpecification, Iterable<? extends Annotation>) - Static method in class org.qi4j.spi.util.Annotations
first(Annotations.AnnotationSpecification, Annotation...) - Static method in class org.qi4j.spi.util.Annotations
firstElementOrNull(Iterable) - Static method in class org.qi4j.spi.util.CollectionUtils
forgetVersions(Iterable<EntityState>) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.EntityStateVersions.EntityStateVersionsMixin
forgetVersions(Iterable<EntityState>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.EntityStateVersions
fromJSON(Object, Module) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.property.ValueType
fromQueryParameter(String, Module) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.property.ValueType


generate(Class<? extends Identity>) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.uuid.UuidIdentityGeneratorMixin
get(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the object value associated with an index.
get(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get the value object associated with a key.
get(EntityReference) - Method in interface org.qi4j.entitystore.map.MapEntityStore
get(EntityReference) - Method in class org.qi4j.entitystore.memory.MemoryMapEntityStoreMixin
get(String) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.cache.Cache
get(String) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.cache.NullCache
get(int) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entity.ManyAssociationState
get(int) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultManyAssociationState
get(int) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONManyAssociationState
getAnnotation(Type, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.qi4j.spi.util.Annotations
getAssociation(QualifiedName) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entity.EntityState
getAssociation(QualifiedName) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultEntityState
getAssociation(QualifiedName) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONEntityState
getAssociationByName(String) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entity.EntityStateDescriptor
getBoolean(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the boolean value associated with an index.
getBoolean(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get the boolean value associated with a key.
getCause() - Method in exception org.json.JSONException
getDefaultValue(Type) - Static method in class org.qi4j.spi.property.DefaultValues
getDouble(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the double value associated with an index.
getDouble(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get the double value associated with a key.
getEntityDescriptor(EntityComposite) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.Qi4jSPI
getEntityState(EntityStoreUnitOfWork, EntityReference) - Method in class org.qi4j.entitystore.map.JSONMapEntityStoreMixin
getEntityState(EntityStoreUnitOfWork, EntityReference) - Method in class org.qi4j.entitystore.map.MapEntityStoreMixin
getEntityState(EntityReference) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.DefaultEntityStoreUnitOfWork
getEntityState(EntityStoreUnitOfWork, EntityReference) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.EntityStoreSPI
getEntityState(EntityReference) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.EntityStoreUnitOfWork
Get the EntityState for a given identity.
getEntityState(EntityComposite) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.Qi4jSPI
getFailingComposite() - Method in exception org.qi4j.spi.composite.InvalidCompositeException
getInt(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the int value associated with an index.
getInt(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get the int value associated with a key.
getJSONArray(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the JSONArray associated with an index.
getJSONArray(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get the JSONArray value associated with a key.
getJSONObject(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the JSONObject associated with an index.
getJSONObject(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get the JSONObject value associated with a key.
getLong(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the long value associated with an index.
getLong(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get the long value associated with a key.
getManyAssociation(QualifiedName) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entity.EntityState
getManyAssociation(QualifiedName) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultEntityState
getManyAssociation(QualifiedName) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONEntityState
getManyAssociationByName(String) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entity.EntityStateDescriptor
getMessage() - Method in exception org.qi4j.spi.composite.InvalidCompositeException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.ConcurrentEntityStateModificationException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.EntityAlreadyExistsException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.EntityNotFoundException
getMethodAndTypeAnnotations(Method) - Static method in class org.qi4j.spi.util.Annotations
getMixinClass() - Method in exception org.qi4j.spi.composite.InvalidCompositeException
getNames(JSONObject) - Static method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get an array of field names from a JSONObject.
getNames(Object) - Static method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get an array of field names from an Object.
getProperty(QualifiedName) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entity.EntityState
getProperty(QualifiedName) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultEntityState
getProperty(QualifiedName) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONEntityState
getPropertyByName(String) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.composite.StateDescriptor
getPropertyByQualifiedName(QualifiedName) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.composite.StateDescriptor
getQualifiedIdentity(Object) - Static method in class org.qi4j.spi.entity.QualifiedIdentity
getQuery(String) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.query.NamedQueries
getServiceDescriptor(ServiceReference) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.Qi4jSPI
getState(String) - Method in class org.qi4j.entitystore.map.JSONMapEntityStoreMixin
getState(String) - Method in class org.qi4j.entitystore.map.MapEntityStoreMixin
getState(String) - Method in interface org.qi4j.entitystore.map.StateStore
getState(TransientComposite) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.Qi4jSPI
getState(EntityComposite) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.Qi4jSPI
getState(ValueComposite) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.Qi4jSPI
getString(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the string associated with an index.
getString(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get the string associated with a key.
getTransientDescriptor(TransientComposite) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.Qi4jSPI
getValueDescriptor(ValueComposite) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.Qi4jSPI


has(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Determine if the JSONObject contains a specific key.
hasAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Static method in class org.qi4j.spi.util.Annotations
hashCode() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entity.EntityType
hashCode() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entity.QualifiedIdentity
hasValid(Annotations.AnnotationSpecification, Iterable<? extends Annotation>) - Static method in class org.qi4j.spi.util.Annotations


identity() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entity.EntityState
Returns the identity of the entity that this EntityState represents.
identity() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entity.QualifiedIdentity
identity() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.DefaultEntityStoreUnitOfWork
identity() - Method in exception org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.EntityAlreadyExistsException
identity() - Method in exception org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.EntityNotFoundException
identity() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.EntityStoreUnitOfWork
identity() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultEntityState
identity() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONEntityState
identity() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.service.ServiceDescriptor
importData(String) - Method in class org.qi4j.entitystore.memory.MemoryMapEntityStoreMixin
importData(String) - Method in interface org.qi4j.entitystore.memory.TestData
importFrom(Reader) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.ImportSupport
Import data from the Reader, with one line per object, in JSON format.
importService(ImportedServiceDescriptor) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.service.importer.InstanceImporter
importService(ImportedServiceDescriptor) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.service.importer.NewObjectImporter
importService(ImportedServiceDescriptor) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.service.importer.ServiceSelectorImporter
ImportSupport - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.entitystore
Imports data from an external source into an EntityStore, using the JSON format.
ImportSupport.ImportResult - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.entitystore
IndexExporter - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.query
Interface for exporting the index currently held by the Indexing Engine.
initialValue() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.property.PropertyDescriptor
injectedClass() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.composite.DependencyDescriptor
InjectedFieldDescriptor - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.composite
InjectedMethodDescriptor - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.composite
InjectedParametersDescriptor - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.composite
injectionAnnotation() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.composite.DependencyDescriptor
injectionClass() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.composite.DependencyDescriptor
injectionType() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.composite.DependencyDescriptor
insert(int, Object) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Insert an object value in the JSONArray.
InstanceImporter - Class in org.qi4j.spi.service.importer
Return a predefined service instance that was provided as meta-info.
InstanceImporter() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.spi.service.importer.InstanceImporter
invalidate() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.util.UsageGraph
Must be called if the data set has been modified.
InvalidCompositeException - Exception in org.qi4j.spi.composite
InvalidCompositeException(String, Class<? extends Composite>) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.spi.composite.InvalidCompositeException
InvalidCompositeException() - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.spi.composite.InvalidCompositeException
invokeComposite(Method, Object[]) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.composite.CompositeInvoker
isActive(Object) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.service.importer.InstanceImporter
isActive(Object) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.service.importer.NewObjectImporter
isActive(Object) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.service.importer.ServiceSelectorImporter
isBoolean() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.property.ValueType
isDate() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.property.ValueType
isEnum() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.property.ValueType
isInstantiateOnStartup() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.service.ServiceDescriptor
isNull(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Determine if the value is null.
isNull(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Determine if the value associated with the key is null or if there is no value.
isNumber() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.property.ValueType
isOfType(TypeName) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entity.EntityState
isOfType(TypeName) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultEntityState
isOfType(TypeName) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONEntityState
isString() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.property.ValueType
isType(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Static method in class org.qi4j.spi.util.Annotations
isValue() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.property.ValueType
iterator() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultManyAssociationState
iterator() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONManyAssociationState
iterator() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.query.NamedQueries
Returns an Iterator of all declared named queries available.
iterator() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.util.Annotations.FilterIterable


join(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Make a string from the contents of this JSONArray.
json(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONWriter
Append JSON formatted string as-is
JSON_KEY_APPLICATION_VERSION - Static variable in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONEntityState
JSON_KEY_ASSOCIATIONS - Static variable in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONEntityState
JSON_KEY_IDENTITY - Static variable in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONEntityState
JSON_KEY_MANYASSOCIATIONS - Static variable in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONEntityState
JSON_KEY_MODIFIED - Static variable in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONEntityState
JSON_KEY_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONEntityState
JSON_KEY_TYPE - Static variable in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONEntityState
JSON_KEY_VERSION - Static variable in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONEntityState
JSONArray - Class in org.json
A JSONArray is an ordered sequence of values.
JSONArray() - Constructor for class org.json.JSONArray
Construct an empty JSONArray.
JSONArray(JSONTokener) - Constructor for class org.json.JSONArray
Construct a JSONArray from a JSONTokener.
JSONArray(String) - Constructor for class org.json.JSONArray
Construct a JSONArray from a source JSON text.
JSONArray(Collection) - Constructor for class org.json.JSONArray
Construct a JSONArray from a Collection.
JSONArray(Collection, boolean) - Constructor for class org.json.JSONArray
Construct a JSONArray from a collection of beans.
JSONArray(Object) - Constructor for class org.json.JSONArray
Construct a JSONArray from an array
JSONArray(Object, boolean) - Constructor for class org.json.JSONArray
Construct a JSONArray from an array with a bean.
JSONEntityState - Class in org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers
Standard implementation of EntityState.
JSONEntityState(DefaultEntityStoreUnitOfWork, EntityReference, EntityDescriptor, JSONObject) - Constructor for class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONEntityState
JSONEntityState(DefaultEntityStoreUnitOfWork, String, long, EntityReference, EntityStatus, EntityDescriptor, JSONObject) - Constructor for class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONEntityState
JSONException - Exception in org.json
The JSONException is thrown by the JSON.org classes then things are amiss.
JSONException(String) - Constructor for exception org.json.JSONException
Constructs a JSONException with an explanatory message.
JSONException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.json.JSONException
JSONManyAssociationState - Class in org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers
JSON implementation of ManyAssociationState.
JSONManyAssociationState(JSONEntityState, JSONArray) - Constructor for class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONManyAssociationState
JSONMapEntityStoreMixin - Class in org.qi4j.entitystore.map
Implementation of EntityStore that works with an implementation of MapEntityStore.
JSONMapEntityStoreMixin() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.entitystore.map.JSONMapEntityStoreMixin
JSONObject - Class in org.json
A JSONObject is an unordered collection of name/value pairs.
JSONObject() - Constructor for class org.json.JSONObject
Construct an empty JSONObject.
JSONObject(JSONObject, String[]) - Constructor for class org.json.JSONObject
Construct a JSONObject from a subset of another JSONObject.
JSONObject(JSONTokener) - Constructor for class org.json.JSONObject
Construct a JSONObject from a JSONTokener.
JSONObject(Map) - Constructor for class org.json.JSONObject
Construct a JSONObject from a Map.
JSONObject(Map, boolean) - Constructor for class org.json.JSONObject
Construct a JSONObject from a Map.
JSONObject(Object) - Constructor for class org.json.JSONObject
Construct a JSONObject from an Object using bean getters.
JSONObject(Object, boolean) - Constructor for class org.json.JSONObject
Construct a JSONObject from an Object using bean getters.
JSONObject(Object, String[]) - Constructor for class org.json.JSONObject
Construct a JSONObject from an Object, using reflection to find the public members.
JSONObject(String) - Constructor for class org.json.JSONObject
Construct a JSONObject from a source JSON text string.
JSONString - Interface in org.json
The JSONString interface allows a toJSONString() method so that a class can change the behavior of JSONObject.toString(), JSONArray.toString(), and JSONWriter.value(Object).
JSONStringer - Class in org.json
JSONStringer provides a quick and convenient way of producing JSON text.
JSONStringer() - Constructor for class org.json.JSONStringer
Make a fresh JSONStringer.
JSONTokener - Class in org.json
A JSONTokener takes a source string and extracts characters and tokens from it.
JSONTokener(Reader) - Constructor for class org.json.JSONTokener
Construct a JSONTokener from a string.
JSONTokener(String) - Constructor for class org.json.JSONTokener
Construct a JSONTokener from a string.
JSONWriter - Class in org.json
JSONWriter provides a quick and convenient way of producing JSON text.
JSONWriter(Writer) - Constructor for class org.json.JSONWriter
Make a fresh JSONWriter.


key(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONWriter
Append a key.
keys() - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get an enumeration of the keys of the JSONObject.


language() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.query.NamedQueryDescriptor
Returns the name of the query language.
lastModified() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entity.EntityState
Last modified timestamp of the entity.
lastModified - Variable in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultEntityState
lastModified() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultEntityState
lastModified - Variable in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONEntityState
lastModified() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONEntityState
LayerDescriptor - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.structure
layers() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.structure.UsedLayersDescriptor
LayerSPI - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.structure
length() - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the number of elements in the JSONArray, included nulls.
length() - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get the number of keys stored in the JSONObject.


ManyAssociationDescriptor - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.entity.association
manyAssociations() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entity.EntityStateDescriptor
manyAssociations() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entity.EntityType
manyAssociations - Variable in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultEntityState
manyAssociations() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultEntityState
ManyAssociationState - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.entity
State holder for ManyAssociations.
manyAssociationType() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entity.association.ManyAssociationDescriptor
ManyAssociationType - Class in org.qi4j.spi.entity.association
ManyAssociationType(QualifiedName, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.qi4j.spi.entity.association.ManyAssociationType
MapEntityStore - Interface in org.qi4j.entitystore.map
MapEntityStore.JSONKeys - Enum in org.qi4j.entitystore.map
MapEntityStore.MapChanger - Interface in org.qi4j.entitystore.map
MapEntityStore.MapChanges - Interface in org.qi4j.entitystore.map
MapEntityStore.MapEntityStoreVisitor<ThrowableType extends java.lang.Throwable> - Interface in org.qi4j.entitystore.map
MapEntityStoreMixin - Class in org.qi4j.entitystore.map
Implementation of EntityStore that works with an implementation of MapEntityStore.
MapEntityStoreMixin() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.entitystore.map.MapEntityStoreMixin
markUpdated() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultEntityState
markUpdated() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONEntityState
MemoryEntityStoreService - Interface in org.qi4j.entitystore.memory
In-memory EntityStore service.
MemoryMapEntityStoreMixin - Class in org.qi4j.entitystore.memory
In-memory implementation of MapEntityStore.
MemoryMapEntityStoreMixin() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.entitystore.memory.MemoryMapEntityStoreMixin
metaInfo(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.composite.CompositeInstance
metaInfo(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.object.ObjectDescriptor
method() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.composite.CompositeMethodDescriptor
method() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.composite.InjectedMethodDescriptor
MethodConcernDescriptor - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.concern
MethodConcernsDescriptor - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.concern
MethodConstraintsDescriptor - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.constraint
MethodKeyMap<V> - Class in org.qi4j.spi.util
This is a HashMap subtype where the Key is a Method, for the pure purpose of being Serializable.
MethodKeyMap() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.spi.util.MethodKeyMap
MethodSet - Class in org.qi4j.spi.util
MethodSet() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.spi.util.MethodSet
MethodSideEffectDescriptor - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.sideeffect
MethodSideEffectsDescriptor - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.sideeffect
MethodValueMap<K> - Class in org.qi4j.spi.util
This is a HashMap subtype where the Value is a Method, for the pure purpose of being Serializable.
MethodValueMap() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.spi.util.MethodValueMap
migrate(JSONObject, String, StateStore) - Method in interface org.qi4j.entitystore.map.Migration
Migration - Interface in org.qi4j.entitystore.map
mixin() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.composite.CompositeMethodDescriptor
mixinClass() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.mixin.MixinDescriptor
MixinDescriptor - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.mixin
mixinTypes() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.composite.AbstractCompositeDescriptor
mixinTypes() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entity.EntityType
mode - Variable in class org.json.JSONWriter
The current mode.
modifiedEntities() - Method in exception org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.ConcurrentEntityStateModificationException
modifierClass() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.concern.MethodConcernDescriptor
modifierClass() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.sideeffect.MethodSideEffectDescriptor
module() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.composite.CompositeInstance
module() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.DefaultEntityStoreUnitOfWork
ModuleDescriptor - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.structure
ModuleSPI - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.structure
more() - Method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Determine if the source string still contains characters that next() can consume.


name() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.query.NamedQueryDescriptor
Returns the name of the query.
name() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.structure.ApplicationDescriptor
name() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.structure.LayerDescriptor
name() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.structure.ModuleDescriptor
NamedEntityFinder - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.query
NamedQueries - Class in org.qi4j.spi.query
Named Queries aggregation class.
NamedQueries() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.spi.query.NamedQueries
NamedQueryDescriptor - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.query
Descriptor of Named Query.
names() - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Produce a JSONArray containing the names of the elements of this JSONObject.
newEntity(EntityReference, EntityType) - Method in interface org.qi4j.entitystore.map.MapEntityStore.MapChanger
newEntityState(EntityStoreUnitOfWork, EntityReference, EntityDescriptor) - Method in class org.qi4j.entitystore.map.JSONMapEntityStoreMixin
newEntityState(EntityStoreUnitOfWork, EntityReference, EntityDescriptor) - Method in class org.qi4j.entitystore.map.MapEntityStoreMixin
newEntityState(EntityReference, EntityDescriptor) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.DefaultEntityStoreUnitOfWork
newEntityState(EntityStoreUnitOfWork, EntityReference, EntityDescriptor) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.EntityStoreSPI
newEntityState(EntityReference, EntityDescriptor) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.EntityStoreUnitOfWork
Create new EntityState for a given identity.
newInstance(Qi4jSPI) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.structure.ApplicationModelSPI
NewObjectImporter - Class in org.qi4j.spi.service.importer
NewObjectImporter() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.spi.service.importer.NewObjectImporter
newProxy(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.composite.CompositeInstance
newUnitOfWork(Usecase, ModuleSPI) - Method in class org.qi4j.entitystore.map.JSONMapEntityStoreMixin
newUnitOfWork(Usecase, ModuleSPI) - Method in class org.qi4j.entitystore.map.MapEntityStoreMixin
newUnitOfWork(Usecase, ModuleSPI) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.ConcurrentModificationCheckConcern
newUnitOfWork(Usecase, ModuleSPI) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.EntityStore
newUnitOfWorkId() - Method in class org.qi4j.entitystore.map.JSONMapEntityStoreMixin
newUnitOfWorkId() - Method in class org.qi4j.entitystore.map.MapEntityStoreMixin
next() - Method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Get the next character in the source string.
next(char) - Method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Consume the next character, and check that it matches a specified character.
next(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Get the next n characters.
nextClean() - Method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Get the next char in the string, skipping whitespace.
nextString(char) - Method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Return the characters up to the next close quote character.
nextTo(char) - Method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Get the text up but not including the specified character or the end of line, whichever comes first.
nextTo(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Get the text up but not including one of the specified delimiter characters or the end of line, whichever comes first.
nextValue() - Method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Get the next value.
notifyChanges(Iterable<EntityState>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.StateChangeListener
NULL - Static variable in class org.json.JSONObject
It is sometimes more convenient and less ambiguous to have a NULL object than to use Java's null value.
NULL - Static variable in class org.qi4j.spi.entity.QualifiedIdentity
NullCache<T> - Class in org.qi4j.spi.cache
NullCache() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.spi.cache.NullCache
numberOfSuccessfulImports() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.ImportSupport.ImportResult
Returns the number of successfully imported entities.
numberToString(Number) - Static method in class org.json.JSONObject
Produce a string from a Number.


object() - Method in class org.json.JSONWriter
Begin appending a new object.
ObjectDescriptor - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.object
opt(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the optional object value associated with an index.
opt(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get an optional value associated with a key.
optBoolean(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the optional boolean value associated with an index.
optBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the optional boolean value associated with an index.
optBoolean(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get an optional boolean associated with a key.
optBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get an optional boolean associated with a key.
optDouble(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the optional double value associated with an index.
optDouble(int, double) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the optional double value associated with an index.
optDouble(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get an optional double associated with a key, or NaN if there is no such key or if its value is not a number.
optDouble(String, double) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get an optional double associated with a key, or the defaultValue if there is no such key or if its value is not a number.
optInt(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the optional int value associated with an index.
optInt(int, int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the optional int value associated with an index.
optInt(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get an optional int value associated with a key, or zero if there is no such key or if the value is not a number.
optInt(String, int) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get an optional int value associated with a key, or the default if there is no such key or if the value is not a number.
optional() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.composite.DependencyDescriptor
optJSONArray(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the optional JSONArray associated with an index.
optJSONArray(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get an optional JSONArray associated with a key.
optJSONObject(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the optional JSONObject associated with an index.
optJSONObject(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get an optional JSONObject associated with a key.
optLong(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the optional long value associated with an index.
optLong(int, long) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the optional long value associated with an index.
optLong(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get an optional long value associated with a key, or zero if there is no such key or if the value is not a number.
optLong(String, long) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get an optional long value associated with a key, or the default if there is no such key or if the value is not a number.
optString(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the optional string value associated with an index.
optString(int, String) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the optional string associated with an index.
optString(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get an optional string associated with a key.
optString(String, String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get an optional string associated with a key.
org.json - package org.json
org.qi4j.entitystore.map - package org.qi4j.entitystore.map
org.qi4j.entitystore.memory - package org.qi4j.entitystore.memory
org.qi4j.spi - package org.qi4j.spi
org.qi4j.spi.cache - package org.qi4j.spi.cache
org.qi4j.spi.composite - package org.qi4j.spi.composite
org.qi4j.spi.concern - package org.qi4j.spi.concern
org.qi4j.spi.constraint - package org.qi4j.spi.constraint
org.qi4j.spi.entity - package org.qi4j.spi.entity
org.qi4j.spi.entity.association - package org.qi4j.spi.entity.association
org.qi4j.spi.entitystore - package org.qi4j.spi.entitystore
org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers - package org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers
org.qi4j.spi.mixin - package org.qi4j.spi.mixin
org.qi4j.spi.object - package org.qi4j.spi.object
org.qi4j.spi.property - package org.qi4j.spi.property
org.qi4j.spi.query - package org.qi4j.spi.query
org.qi4j.spi.service - package org.qi4j.spi.service
org.qi4j.spi.service.importer - package org.qi4j.spi.service.importer
org.qi4j.spi.sideeffect - package org.qi4j.spi.sideeffect
org.qi4j.spi.structure - package org.qi4j.spi.structure
org.qi4j.spi.util - package org.qi4j.spi.util
org.qi4j.spi.uuid - package org.qi4j.spi.uuid
org.qi4j.spi.value - package org.qi4j.spi.value


parseQualifiedIdentity(String) - Static method in class org.qi4j.spi.entity.QualifiedIdentity
parseURI(String) - Static method in class org.qi4j.spi.entity.QualifiedIdentity
passivate() - Method in class org.qi4j.entitystore.map.JSONMapEntityStoreMixin
passivate() - Method in class org.qi4j.entitystore.map.MapEntityStoreMixin
properties() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.composite.StateDescriptor
properties() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entity.EntityType
properties - Variable in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultEntityState
properties() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultEntityState
PropertyDescriptor - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.property
PropertyType - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.property
propertyType() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.property.PropertyType
propertyType() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.property.PropertyTypeDescriptor
PropertyType.PropertyTypeEnum - Enum in org.qi4j.spi.property
PropertyTypeDescriptor - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.property
proxy() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.composite.CompositeInstance
put(boolean) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Append a boolean value.
put(Collection) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Put a value in the JSONArray, where the value will be a JSONArray which is produced from a Collection.
put(double) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Append a double value.
put(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Append an int value.
put(long) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Append an long value.
put(Map) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Put a value in the JSONArray, where the value will be a JSONObject which is produced from a Map.
put(Object) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Append an object value.
put(int, boolean) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Put or replace a boolean value in the JSONArray.
put(int, Collection) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Put a value in the JSONArray, where the value will be a JSONArray which is produced from a Collection.
put(int, double) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Put or replace a double value.
put(int, int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Put or replace an int value.
put(int, long) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Put or replace a long value.
put(int, Map) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Put a value in the JSONArray, where the value will be a JSONObject which is produced from a Map.
put(int, Object) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Put or replace an object value in the JSONArray.
put(String, Collection) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Put a key/value pair in the JSONObject, where the value will be a JSONArray which is produced from a Collection.
put(String, boolean) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Put a key/boolean pair in the JSONObject.
put(String, double) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Put a key/double pair in the JSONObject.
put(String, int) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Put a key/int pair in the JSONObject.
put(String, long) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Put a key/long pair in the JSONObject.
put(String, Map) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Put a key/value pair in the JSONObject, where the value will be a JSONObject which is produced from a Map.
put(String, Object) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Put a key/value pair in the JSONObject.
put(String, T) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.cache.Cache
put(String, T) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.cache.NullCache
putOnce(String, Object) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Put a key/value pair in the JSONObject, but only if the key and the value are both non-null, and only if there is not already a member with that name.
putOpt(String, Object) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Put a key/value pair in the JSONObject, but only if the key and the value are both non-null.


Qi4jSPI - Interface in org.qi4j.spi
Encapsulation of the Qi4j SPI.
QualifiedIdentity - Class in org.qi4j.spi.entity
A Qualified Identity is the combination of the Composite type name and the identity of a specific Entity instance.
QualifiedIdentity(EntityComposite) - Constructor for class org.qi4j.spi.entity.QualifiedIdentity
QualifiedIdentity(String, Class) - Constructor for class org.qi4j.spi.entity.QualifiedIdentity
QualifiedIdentity(String, String) - Constructor for class org.qi4j.spi.entity.QualifiedIdentity
QualifiedIdentity(String) - Constructor for class org.qi4j.spi.entity.QualifiedIdentity
qualifiedName() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entity.association.AssociationType
qualifiedName() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entity.association.ManyAssociationType
qualifiedName() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.property.PropertyType
queryable() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entity.association.AssociationType
queryable() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entity.association.ManyAssociationType
queryable() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entity.EntityType
queryable() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.property.PropertyType
quote(String) - Static method in class org.json.JSONObject
Produce a string in double quotes with backslash sequences in all the right places.


rawInjectionType() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.composite.DependencyDescriptor
readConstructor(ObjectInput) - Static method in class org.qi4j.spi.util.SerializationUtil
readEntityState(DefaultEntityStoreUnitOfWork, Reader) - Method in class org.qi4j.entitystore.map.JSONMapEntityStoreMixin
readEntityState(DefaultEntityStoreUnitOfWork, Reader) - Method in class org.qi4j.entitystore.map.MapEntityStoreMixin
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.util.MethodKeyMap
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.util.MethodSet
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.util.MethodValueMap
readField(ObjectInputStream) - Static method in class org.qi4j.spi.util.SerializationUtil
readMethod(ObjectInput) - Static method in class org.qi4j.spi.util.SerializationUtil
ReadOnlyEntityStoreException - Exception in org.qi4j.spi.entitystore
This exception is thrown for methods that creates or updates entities in read-only EntityStores.
ReadOnlyEntityStoreException(String) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.ReadOnlyEntityStoreException
registerEntityState(EntityState) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.DefaultEntityStoreUnitOfWork
rememberVersion(EntityReference, String) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.EntityStateVersions.EntityStateVersionsMixin
rememberVersion(EntityReference, String) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.EntityStateVersions
remove(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Remove a index and close the hole.
remove(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Remove a name and its value, if present.
remove(String) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.cache.Cache
remove(String) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.cache.NullCache
remove() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entity.EntityState
Remove the entity represented by this EntityState when the unit of work is completed.
remove(EntityReference) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entity.ManyAssociationState
remove() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultEntityState
remove(EntityReference) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultManyAssociationState
remove() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONEntityState
remove(EntityReference) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONManyAssociationState
removeEntity(EntityReference, EntityType) - Method in interface org.qi4j.entitystore.map.MapEntityStore.MapChanger
removeQuery(String) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.query.NamedQueries
resolveOrder() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.util.UsageGraph
returnCache(Cache) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.cache.CachePool
Returns the cache back to the pool.


SerializationUtil - Class in org.qi4j.spi.util
ServiceDescriptor - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.service
ServiceDescriptor provides meta informations of a service.
ServiceSelectorImporter - Class in org.qi4j.spi.service.importer
If several services are available with a given type, and you want to constrain the current module to use a specific one, then use this importer.
ServiceSelectorImporter() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.spi.service.importer.ServiceSelectorImporter
setAssociation(QualifiedName, EntityReference) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entity.EntityState
setAssociation(QualifiedName, EntityReference) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultEntityState
setAssociation(QualifiedName, EntityReference) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONEntityState
setFailingCompositeType(Class<? extends Composite>) - Method in exception org.qi4j.spi.composite.InvalidCompositeException
setMessage(String) - Method in exception org.qi4j.spi.composite.InvalidCompositeException
setMixinClass(Class) - Method in exception org.qi4j.spi.composite.InvalidCompositeException
setProperty(QualifiedName, Object) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entity.EntityState
setProperty(QualifiedName, Object) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultEntityState
setProperty(QualifiedName, Object) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONEntityState
showQuery(NamedQueryDescriptor) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.query.NamedEntityFinder
skipTo(char) - Method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Skip characters until the next character is the requested character.
sortedKeys() - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get an enumeration of the keys of the JSONObject.
state() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.composite.TransientDescriptor
state() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entity.EntityDescriptor
state - Variable in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONEntityState
state() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONEntityState
state() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.service.ServiceDescriptor
state() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.value.ValueDescriptor
StateChangeListener - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.entitystore
Implement this interface in a Service if you want it to listen to changes from EntityStores.
StateChangeNotificationConcern - Class in org.qi4j.spi.entitystore
StateChangeNotificationConcern() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.StateChangeNotificationConcern
StateCommitter - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.entitystore
After all EntityStore's have been prepared by UnitOfWork.complete()
StateDescriptor - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.composite
StateStore - Interface in org.qi4j.entitystore.map
status() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entity.EntityState
The status of this EntityState
status - Variable in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultEntityState
status() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultEntityState
status - Variable in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONEntityState
status() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONEntityState
stringToValue(String) - Static method in class org.json.JSONObject
Try to convert a string into a number, boolean, or null.
syntaxError(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Make a JSONException to signal a syntax error.


TestData - Interface in org.qi4j.entitystore.memory
Interface for exporting/importing data into the memory-store
toJSON(Object, JSONWriter) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.property.ValueType
toJSON(Object) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.property.ValueType
toJSONArray(JSONArray) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Produce a JSONArray containing the values of the members of this JSONObject.
toJSONObject(JSONArray) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Produce a JSONObject by combining a JSONArray of names with the values of this JSONArray.
toJSONString() - Method in interface org.json.JSONString
The toJSONString method allows a class to produce its own JSON serialization.
toQueryParameter(Object) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.property.ValueType
toString() - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Make a JSON text of this JSONArray.
toString(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Make a prettyprinted JSON text of this JSONArray.
toString() - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Make a JSON text of this JSONObject.
toString(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Make a prettyprinted JSON text of this JSONObject.
toString() - Method in class org.json.JSONStringer
Return the JSON text.
toString() - Method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Make a printable string of this JSONTokener.
toString() - Method in exception org.qi4j.spi.composite.InvalidCompositeException
toString() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entity.association.AssociationType
toString() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entity.association.ManyAssociationType
toString() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entity.EntityType
toString() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entity.QualifiedIdentity
toString() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultEntityState
toString() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONEntityState
toURI() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entity.QualifiedIdentity
toURI() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.structure.ApplicationDescriptor
TransientDescriptor - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.composite
transientDescriptor(String) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.structure.ModuleSPI
transitiveUse(K, K) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.util.UsageGraph
type() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.composite.CompositeInstance
type() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entity.association.AssociationType
type() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entity.association.ManyAssociationType
type() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entity.EntityType
type() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entity.QualifiedIdentity
type() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.object.ObjectDescriptor
type() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.property.PropertyType
type() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.property.ValueType
types() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.property.ValueType


unitOfWork - Variable in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultEntityState
unitOfWork - Variable in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONEntityState
updateEntity(EntityReference, EntityType) - Method in interface org.qi4j.entitystore.map.MapEntityStore.MapChanger
uri() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entity.EntityType
UsageGraph<K> - Class in org.qi4j.spi.util
This class is NOT thread-safe.
UsageGraph(Collection<K>, UsageGraph.Use<K>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.qi4j.spi.util.UsageGraph
UsageGraph.Use<K> - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.util
usecase() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.DefaultEntityStoreUnitOfWork
usedLayers() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.structure.LayerDescriptor
UsedLayersDescriptor - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.structure
uses(K) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.util.UsageGraph.Use
uuid - Variable in class org.qi4j.entitystore.map.JSONMapEntityStoreMixin
uuid - Variable in class org.qi4j.entitystore.map.MapEntityStoreMixin
uuid - Variable in class org.qi4j.spi.uuid.UuidIdentityGeneratorMixin
UuidIdentityGeneratorMixin - Class in org.qi4j.spi.uuid
UuidIdentityGeneratorMixin() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.spi.uuid.UuidIdentityGeneratorMixin
UuidIdentityGeneratorService - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.uuid


valid(Annotation) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.util.Annotations.AnnotationSpecification
value(boolean) - Method in class org.json.JSONWriter
Append either the value true or the value false.
value(double) - Method in class org.json.JSONWriter
Append a double value.
value(long) - Method in class org.json.JSONWriter
Append a long value.
value(Object) - Method in class org.json.JSONWriter
Append an object value.
valueDescriptor(String) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.structure.ModuleSPI
ValueDescriptor - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.value
Descriptor for ValueComposites.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.qi4j.entitystore.map.MapEntityStore.JSONKeys
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.qi4j.spi.entity.EntityStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.qi4j.spi.property.PropertyType.PropertyTypeEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.qi4j.entitystore.map.MapEntityStore.JSONKeys
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.qi4j.spi.entity.EntityStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.qi4j.spi.property.PropertyType.PropertyTypeEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
ValueType - Interface in org.qi4j.spi.property
Base class for types of values in ValueComposites.
valueType() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.value.ValueDescriptor
variableNames() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.query.NamedQueryDescriptor
Returns a list of variable names allowed in the query.
version() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entity.EntityState
Version of the entity.
version - Variable in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultEntityState
version() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultEntityState
version - Variable in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONEntityState
version() - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.helpers.JSONEntityState
visibility() - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.object.ObjectDescriptor
visit(ApplicationDescriptor) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.structure.DescriptorVisitor
visit(LayerDescriptor) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.structure.DescriptorVisitor
visit(ModuleDescriptor) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.structure.DescriptorVisitor
visit(TransientDescriptor) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.structure.DescriptorVisitor
visit(EntityDescriptor) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.structure.DescriptorVisitor
visit(ServiceDescriptor) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.structure.DescriptorVisitor
visit(ImportedServiceDescriptor) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.structure.DescriptorVisitor
visit(ObjectDescriptor) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.structure.DescriptorVisitor
visit(ValueDescriptor) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.structure.DescriptorVisitor
visit(CompositeMethodDescriptor) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.structure.DescriptorVisitor
visit(MethodConstraintsDescriptor) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.structure.DescriptorVisitor
visit(ConstraintDescriptor) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.structure.DescriptorVisitor
visit(MethodConcernsDescriptor) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.structure.DescriptorVisitor
visit(MethodConcernDescriptor) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.structure.DescriptorVisitor
visit(MethodSideEffectsDescriptor) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.structure.DescriptorVisitor
visit(MethodSideEffectDescriptor) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.structure.DescriptorVisitor
visit(ConstructorDescriptor) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.structure.DescriptorVisitor
visit(InjectedParametersDescriptor) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.structure.DescriptorVisitor
visit(InjectedFieldDescriptor) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.structure.DescriptorVisitor
visit(InjectedMethodDescriptor) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.structure.DescriptorVisitor
visit(MixinDescriptor) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.structure.DescriptorVisitor
visitDescriptor(DescriptorVisitor<ThrowableType>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.structure.ApplicationModelSPI
visitDescriptor(DescriptorVisitor<ThrowableType>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.structure.ApplicationSPI
visitEntity(Reader) - Method in interface org.qi4j.entitystore.map.MapEntityStore.MapEntityStoreVisitor
visitEntityState(EntityState) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.EntityStore.EntityStateVisitor
visitEntityStates(EntityStore.EntityStateVisitor<ThrowableType>, ModuleSPI) - Method in class org.qi4j.entitystore.map.JSONMapEntityStoreMixin
visitEntityStates(EntityStore.EntityStateVisitor<ThrowableType>, ModuleSPI) - Method in class org.qi4j.entitystore.map.MapEntityStoreMixin
visitEntityStates(EntityStore.EntityStateVisitor<ThrowableType>, ModuleSPI) - Method in interface org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.EntityStore
visitMap(MapEntityStore.MapChanger) - Method in interface org.qi4j.entitystore.map.MapEntityStore.MapChanges
visitMap(MapEntityStore.MapEntityStoreVisitor<ThrowableType>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.entitystore.map.MapEntityStore
visitMap(MapEntityStore.MapEntityStoreVisitor<ThrowableType>) - Method in class org.qi4j.entitystore.memory.MemoryMapEntityStoreMixin


write(Writer) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Write the contents of the JSONArray as JSON text to a writer.
write(Writer) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Write the contents of the JSONObject as JSON text to a writer.
writeConstructor(ObjectOutput, Constructor) - Static method in class org.qi4j.spi.util.SerializationUtil
writeEntityState(JSONEntityState, Writer, String, long) - Method in class org.qi4j.entitystore.map.JSONMapEntityStoreMixin
writeEntityState(DefaultEntityState, Writer, String, long) - Method in class org.qi4j.entitystore.map.MapEntityStoreMixin
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.util.MethodKeyMap
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.util.MethodSet
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class org.qi4j.spi.util.MethodValueMap
writeField(ObjectOutputStream, Field) - Static method in class org.qi4j.spi.util.SerializationUtil
writeMethod(ObjectOutput, Method) - Static method in class org.qi4j.spi.util.SerializationUtil
writer - Variable in class org.json.JSONWriter
The writer that will receive the output.


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