AbstractAssociation - Interface in org.qi4j.api.entity.association
Base interface for all associations.
AbstractPropertyInstance<T> - Class in org.qi4j.api.property
AbstractPropertyInstance is the base implementation of Property.
AbstractPropertyInstance(PropertyInfo) - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.property.AbstractPropertyInstance
Construct an instance of ComputedPropertyInstance.
Activatable - Interface in org.qi4j.api.service
Instances that want to get callbacks on activation and passivation should implement this.
activate() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.configuration.Configuration.ConfigurationMixin
activate() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.service.Activatable
This is invoked on the service when the instance is being activated
Active - Annotation Type in org.qi4j.api.service.qualifier
Filter services based on identity.
Active.ActiveQualifier - Class in org.qi4j.api.service.qualifier
Active.ActiveQualifier() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.service.qualifier.Active.ActiveQualifier
actualTypeOf(Type) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.util.Classes
add(Class<T>, T) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.common.MetaInfo
add(int, T) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.entity.association.ManyAssociation
add(T) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.entity.association.ManyAssociation
add(Property<Integer>, int) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.property.Numbers
add(Property<Long>, long) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.property.Numbers
add(Property<Double>, double) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.property.Numbers
add(Property<Float>, float) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.property.Numbers
add(Property<BigDecimal>, BigDecimal) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.property.Numbers
add(K, V) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.util.ListMap
addUnitOfWorkCallback(UnitOfWorkCallback) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWork
Register a callback.
afterCompletion(UnitOfWorkCallback.UnitOfWorkStatus) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWorkCallback
This is called after the completion or discarding of the UnitOfWork.
Aggregated - Annotation Type in org.qi4j.api.entity
Marks an association as aggregating the referenced Entities
ALWAYS - Static variable in class org.qi4j.api.cache.CacheOptions
ALWAYS - Static variable in interface org.qi4j.api.common.AppliesToFilter
This is an internal AppliesToFilter which is assigned if no other AppliesToFilters are found for a given fragment.
AmbiguousTypeException - Exception in org.qi4j.api.composite
This Exception is thrown when more than one Composite implements a MixinType that one tries to use to create a Composite instance from.
AmbiguousTypeException(Class<?>, Class<?>...) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.composite.AmbiguousTypeException
AmbiguousTypeException(Class<?>, Iterable<Class<?>>) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.composite.AmbiguousTypeException
and(BooleanExpression, BooleanExpression, BooleanExpression...) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressions
Conjunction factory method.
AnnotationQualifier<QUALIFIER extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation> - Interface in org.qi4j.api.service.qualifier
Application - Interface in org.qi4j.api.structure
The Application represents a whole Qi4j application.
Application.Mode - Enum in org.qi4j.api.structure
AppliesTo - Annotation Type in org.qi4j.api.common
Modifiers that implement InvocationHandler and which should only be applied to methods that have a particular annotation or implement a known interface should use this annotation.
appliesTo(Method, Class<?>, Class<?>, Class<?>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.common.AppliesToFilter
Check if the Fragment should be applied or not.
appliesTo(Method, Class<?>, Class<?>, Class<?>) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.entity.association.AssociationMixin.AssociationFilter
appliesTo(Method, Class<?>, Class<?>, Class<?>) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.entity.association.ManyAssociationMixin.AssociationFilter
appliesTo(Method, Class<?>, Class<?>, Class<?>) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.property.PropertyMixin.PropertyFilter
AppliesToFilter - Interface in org.qi4j.api.common
Implementations of this interface can be specified in the @AppliesTo.
Association<T> - Interface in org.qi4j.api.entity.association
Association to a single EntityComposite.
associationAccessor() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.AssociationReference
Get the accessor method for the association.
associationDeclaringType() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.AssociationReference
Get the type of the interface that declared the association.
AssociationInfo - Interface in org.qi4j.api.entity.association
Metadata about an Association.
AssociationIsNotNullPredicate - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query.grammar
Constraints that a Association is not null (is set).
AssociationIsNullPredicate - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query.grammar
Constraints that an Association is null (not set).
AssociationMixin - Class in org.qi4j.api.entity.association
Generic mixin for associations.
AssociationMixin() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.entity.association.AssociationMixin
AssociationMixin.AssociationFilter - Class in org.qi4j.api.entity.association
AssociationMixin.AssociationFilter() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.entity.association.AssociationMixin.AssociationFilter
associationName() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.AssociationReference
Get the name of the association, which is equal to the name of the method that declared it.
AssociationNullPredicate - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query.grammar
associationReference() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.AssociationNullPredicate
AssociationReference - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query.grammar
An expression related to Association.
associationReference() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.ManyAssociationContainsPredicate
AssociationReference.ReferenceType - Enum in org.qi4j.api.query.grammar
associationType() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.AssociationReference
Get the type of the assocition.


beforeCompletion() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWorkCallback
This is called before the completion of the UnitOfWork.
BooleanExpression - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query.grammar
buildUsecase(String) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.usecase.UsecaseBuilder
buildWith() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.value.Value


cacheOnNew() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.cache.CacheOptions
cacheOnRead() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.cache.CacheOptions
cacheOnWrite() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.cache.CacheOptions
CacheOptions - Class in org.qi4j.api.cache
CacheOptions is a metaInfo class for the Cache system for Entity persistence.
CacheOptions(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.cache.CacheOptions
Constructor for CacheOptions.
causes() - Method in exception org.qi4j.api.service.PassivationException
Classes - Class in org.qi4j.api.util
Class-related utility methods
Classes() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.util.Classes
classesOf(Type) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.util.Classes
classLoader() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.structure.Module
compareTo(QualifiedName) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.common.QualifiedName
compareTo(TypeName) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.common.TypeName
ComparisonPredicate<T> - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query.grammar
complete() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWork
Complete this UnitOfWork.
Composite - Interface in org.qi4j.api.composite
All Composite objects must implement this interface.
CompositeContext<T extends TransientComposite> - Class in org.qi4j.api.composite
Thread-associated composites.
CompositeContext(TransientBuilder<T>) - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.composite.CompositeContext
compositeType() - Method in exception org.qi4j.api.composite.NoSuchCompositeException
compositeType() - Method in exception org.qi4j.api.constraint.ConstraintImplementationNotFoundException
compositeType() - Method in exception org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.EntityTypeNotFoundException
Computed - Annotation Type in org.qi4j.api.property
This annotation dones a Property as being Computed.
ComputedPropertyInstance<T> - Class in org.qi4j.api.property
ComputedPropertyInstance is the base implementation of Property.
ComputedPropertyInstance(PropertyInfo) - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.property.ComputedPropertyInstance
Construct an instance of ComputedPropertyInstance.
ComputedPropertyInstance(Method) - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.property.ComputedPropertyInstance
ConcernFor - Annotation Type in org.qi4j.api.concern.internal
This annotation is required once in each Concern, to mark the field where the next element in the call sequence should be injected.
ConcernOf<T> - Class in org.qi4j.api.concern
Base class for Concerns.
ConcernOf() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.concern.ConcernOf
Concerns - Annotation Type in org.qi4j.api.concern
This annotation is used by composites and mixins to declare what Concerns should be applied to the type or specific method.
ConcurrentEntityModificationException - Exception in org.qi4j.api.unitofwork
This exception is thrown by UnitOfWork.complete() if any entities that are being committed had been changed while the UnitOfWork was being executed.
ConcurrentEntityModificationException(Iterable<EntityComposite>) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.ConcurrentEntityModificationException
concurrentlyModifiedEntities() - Method in exception org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.ConcurrentEntityModificationException
Configuration<T> - Interface in org.qi4j.api.configuration
Provide Configurations for Services.
configuration() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.configuration.Configuration
Retrieves the user configuration instance managed by this Configuration.
configuration() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.configuration.Configuration.ConfigurationMixin
Configuration.ConfigurationMixin<T> - Class in org.qi4j.api.configuration
Implementation of Configuration.
Configuration.ConfigurationMixin() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.configuration.Configuration.ConfigurationMixin
ConfigurationComposite - Interface in org.qi4j.api.configuration
All Configuration composites should
Conjunction - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query.grammar
A logical "AND" between two boolean expressions.
Constraint<ANNOTATION extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation,TYPE> - Interface in org.qi4j.api.constraint
All Constraints must implement this interface, which is used for each value validation.
constraint() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.constraint.ConstraintViolation
ConstraintDeclaration - Annotation Type in org.qi4j.api.constraint
All annotations that are used to trigger Constraints must have this annotation.
ConstraintImplementationNotFoundException - Exception in org.qi4j.api.constraint
ConstraintImplementationNotFoundException(Class, Class, Type) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.constraint.ConstraintImplementationNotFoundException
Constraints - Annotation Type in org.qi4j.api.constraint
This annotation is used by composites and mixins to declare what Constraints can be applied in the Composite.
constraintType() - Method in exception org.qi4j.api.constraint.ConstraintImplementationNotFoundException
ConstraintViolation - Class in org.qi4j.api.constraint
When a constraint violation has occurred (i.e.
ConstraintViolation(String, Annotation, Object) - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.constraint.ConstraintViolation
ConstraintViolationException - Exception in org.qi4j.api.constraint
This Exception is thrown when there is one or more Constraint Violations in a method call.
ConstraintViolationException(Composite, Method, Collection<ConstraintViolation>) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.constraint.ConstraintViolationException
ConstraintViolationException(String, String, Method, Collection<ConstraintViolation>) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.constraint.ConstraintViolationException
ConstraintViolationException(String, String, String, String, Collection<ConstraintViolation>) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.constraint.ConstraintViolationException
constraintViolations() - Method in exception org.qi4j.api.constraint.ConstraintViolationException
ConstructionException - Exception in org.qi4j.api.common
Thrown when a Fragment or object could not be instantiated.
ConstructionException() - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.common.ConstructionException
ConstructionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.common.ConstructionException
ConstructionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.common.ConstructionException
ConstructionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.common.ConstructionException
constructorsOf(Class) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.util.Classes
contains(T) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.entity.association.ManyAssociation
contains(Property<C>, T) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressions
contains(ManyAssociation<T>, T) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressions
containsAll(Property<C>, C) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressions
ContainsAllPredicate<T,C extends java.util.Collection<T>> - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query.grammar
ContainsPredicate<T,C extends java.util.Collection<T>> - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query.grammar
count() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.entity.association.ManyAssociation
count() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.Query
Count how many results would be returned by this Query.
create() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.entity.Lifecycle
Creation callback method.
currentUnitOfWork() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWorkFactory
Returns the UnitOfWork that is currently associated with the executing thread.


DateFunctions - Class in org.qi4j.api.util
DateFunctions() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.util.DateFunctions
DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.qi4j.api.usecase.Usecase
denormalizeURIToClass(String) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.util.Classes
dereference(T) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.Qi4j
If a Modifier gets a reference to the Composite using @This, then that reference must be dereferenced using this method before handing it out for others to use.
discard() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWork
Discard thie UnitOfWork.
discardIfRequired(Method, UnitOfWork, Throwable) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWorkConcern
Discard unit of work if the discard policy match.
Disjunction - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query.grammar
A logical "OR" between two boolean expressions.
div(Property<Integer>, int) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.property.Numbers
div(Property<Long>, long) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.property.Numbers
div(Property<Double>, double) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.property.Numbers
div(Property<Float>, float) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.property.Numbers
div(Property<BigDecimal>, BigDecimal) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.property.Numbers
DuplicateServiceIdentityException - Exception in org.qi4j.api.service
DuplicateServiceIdentityException(String) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.service.DuplicateServiceIdentityException


Entity - Interface in org.qi4j.api.entity
Interface that all Entities implement.
EntityBuilder<T> - Interface in org.qi4j.api.entity
EntityBuilders are used to instantiate EntityComposites.
EntityComposite - Interface in org.qi4j.api.entity
Entity Composites must extend this interface.
EntityCompositeAlreadyExistsException - Exception in org.qi4j.api.unitofwork
If you try to create an EntityComposite whose identity already exists, then this exception will be thrown.
EntityCompositeAlreadyExistsException(EntityReference) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.EntityCompositeAlreadyExistsException
EntityReference - Class in org.qi4j.api.entity
An EntityIdentity is identity of a specific Entity instance.
EntityReference(EntityComposite) - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.entity.EntityReference
EntityReference(String) - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.entity.EntityReference
EntityStateHolder - Interface in org.qi4j.api.entity.association
This represents the state of a entity (properties+associations).
EntityStateHolder.EntityStateVisitor<ThrowableType extends java.lang.Throwable> - Interface in org.qi4j.api.entity.association
EntityTypeNotFoundException - Exception in org.qi4j.api.unitofwork
Qi4j exception to be thrown in case that an entity composite was not found during a lookup call.
EntityTypeNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.EntityTypeNotFoundException
eq(Property<T>, T) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressions
EqualsPredicate factory method.
eq(Property<T>, VariableValueExpression<T>) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressions
EqualsPredicate factory method.
eq(Association<T>, T) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressions
EqualsPredicate factory method.
eq(Association<T>, VariableValueExpression<T>) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressions
EqualsPredicate factory method.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.common.QualifiedName
equals(Object) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.common.TypeName
equals(Object) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.entity.EntityReference
equals(Object) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.property.AbstractPropertyInstance
Perform equals with o argument.
EqualsPredicate<T> - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query.grammar
Constraints that a Property is equal to a value (as in Property.get() = X).
eval(Object) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.AssociationReference
Evaluates the association reference against a target object.
eval(Object) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.BooleanExpression
Evaluates the boolean expression agains a target object (composite?)
eval(Object) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.PropertyReference
Evaluates the property reference against a target object.
expression() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.Negation


fieldsOf(Class) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.util.Classes
filter(ServiceQualifier, Iterable<ServiceReference<T>>) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.service.qualifier.ServiceQualifier
find() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.Query
Get the first Entity that matches the criteria.
findLayer(String) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.structure.Application
findModule(String, String) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.structure.Application
findService(Type) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.service.ServiceFinder
Find a ServiceReference that implements the given type.
findServices(Type) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.service.ServiceFinder
Find ServiceReferences that implements the given type.
first(ServiceQualifier, Iterable<ServiceReference<T>>) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.service.qualifier.ServiceQualifier
firstResult(int) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.Query
Set the index of the first result.
firstService(ServiceQualifier, Iterable<ServiceReference<T>>) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.service.qualifier.ServiceQualifier
fromClass(Class, String) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.common.QualifiedName
fromMethod(Method) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.common.QualifiedName
fromName(String, String) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.common.QualifiedName
fromQN(String) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.common.QualifiedName
fromString(String) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.util.DateFunctions


ge(Property<T>, T) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressions
GreaterOrEqualPredicate factory method.
ge(Property<T>, VariableValueExpression<T>) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressions
GreaterOrEqualPredicate factory method.
generate(Class<? extends Identity>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.entity.IdentityGenerator
Generate a new id for the given Composite type
GenericAssociationInfo - Class in org.qi4j.api.entity.association
GenericAssociationInfo(MetaInfo, boolean, boolean, QualifiedName, Type) - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.entity.association.GenericAssociationInfo
GenericAssociationInfo(Method, MetaInfo) - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.entity.association.GenericAssociationInfo
GenericAssociationInfo(Method, MetaInfo, boolean) - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.entity.association.GenericAssociationInfo
GenericConcern - Class in org.qi4j.api.concern
Base class for generic Concerns.
GenericConcern() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.concern.GenericConcern
genericInterfacesOf(Type) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.util.Classes
Get all interfaces for the given type, including the provided type.
GenericPropertyInfo - Class in org.qi4j.api.property
GenericPropertyInfo(Method) - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.property.GenericPropertyInfo
GenericPropertyInfo(Class, String) - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.property.GenericPropertyInfo
GenericPropertyInfo(MetaInfo, boolean, boolean, QualifiedName, Type) - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.property.GenericPropertyInfo
GenericSideEffect - Class in org.qi4j.api.sideeffect
Base class for generic SideEffects.
GenericSideEffect() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.sideeffect.GenericSideEffect
get(Class<T>) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.common.MetaInfo
get() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.entity.association.Association
Get the associated entity.
get(int) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.entity.association.ManyAssociation
get() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.property.ComputedPropertyInstance
This is the method to implement.
get() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.property.Property
Get the value of the property.
get() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.service.ServiceReference
get(Class<T>, String) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWork
Find an Entity of the given mixin type with the give identity.
get(T) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWork
If you have a reference to an Entity from another UnitOfWork and want to create a reference to it in this UnitOfWork, then call this method.
getAnnotationOfTypeOrAnyOfSuperTypes(Class<?>, Class<AnnotationType>) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.util.Classes
getAssociation(Method) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.entity.association.EntityStateHolder
Get an association for a specific accessor method
getAssociationType(Method) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.entity.association.GenericAssociationInfo
getAssociationType(Type) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.entity.association.GenericAssociationInfo
getConfigurationInstance(ServiceComposite, UnitOfWork) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.Qi4j
Finds the Configuration instance of a service.
getConfigurationType(Composite) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.Qi4j
getEntityReference(Object) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.entity.EntityReference
getLocalizedMessage() - Method in exception org.qi4j.api.constraint.ConstraintViolationException
getLocalizedMessages(ResourceBundle) - Method in exception org.qi4j.api.constraint.ConstraintViolationException
Creates localized messages of all the constraint violations that has occured.
getManyAssociation(Method) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.entity.association.EntityStateHolder
Get a many-association for a specific accessor method
getMessage() - Method in exception org.qi4j.api.constraint.ConstraintViolationException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.ConcurrentEntityModificationException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.EntityTypeNotFoundException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.NoSuchEntityException
getModule(UnitOfWork) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.Qi4j
Returns the Module where the UnitOfWork belongs.
getModule(Composite) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.Qi4j
Returns the Module where the Composite belongs.
getModule(ServiceReference) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.Qi4j
Returns the Module where the service is located.
getProperties(Composite) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.composite.PropertyMapper
Create Properties object which is backed by the given Composite.
getProperty(Method) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.property.StateHolder
Get a property for a specific accessor method
getProperty(QualifiedName) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.property.StateHolder
Get a property for a specific accessor method
getPropertyType(Method) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.property.GenericPropertyInfo
getPropertyType(Type) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.property.GenericPropertyInfo
getRawClass(Type) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.util.Classes
getSimpleGenericName(Type) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.util.Classes
getSuperComposite(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.Qi4j
Get the super Composite of the given Composite.
getUnitOfWork(EntityComposite) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWorkFactory
Returns the UnitOfWork that the EntityComposite is bound to.
getVariable(String) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.Query
Get the value of a named variable.
GreaterOrEqualPredicate<T> - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query.grammar
Constraints that a Property is greater than or equal to a value (as in Property.get() >= X).
GreaterThanPredicate<T> - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query.grammar
Constraints that a Property is greater than a value (as in Property.get() > X).
gt(Property<T>, T) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressions
GreaterThanPredicate factory method.
gt(Property<T>, VariableValueExpression<T>) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressions
GreaterThanPredicate factory method.


hashCode() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.common.QualifiedName
hashCode() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.common.TypeName
hashCode() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.entity.EntityReference
hashCode() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.property.AbstractPropertyInstance
Calculate hash code.
hasTag(String) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.service.qualifier.ServiceTags
hasTags(String...) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.service.qualifier.ServiceTags


IdentifiedBy - Annotation Type in org.qi4j.api.service.qualifier
Filter services based on identity.
IdentifiedBy.IdentifiedByQualifier - Class in org.qi4j.api.service.qualifier
IdentifiedBy.IdentifiedByQualifier() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.service.qualifier.IdentifiedBy.IdentifiedByQualifier
identity() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.entity.EntityReference
Identity - Interface in org.qi4j.api.entity
This interface provides the identity of the object which may be used to store the state in a database.
identity() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.entity.Identity
Returns the client view of the identity.
identity() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.entity.Identity.IdentityMixin
identity() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.service.ImportedServiceDescriptor
identity() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.service.ServiceReference
identity() - Method in exception org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.EntityCompositeAlreadyExistsException
identity() - Method in exception org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.NoSuchEntityException
Identity.IdentityMixin - Class in org.qi4j.api.entity
Identity.IdentityMixin() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.entity.Identity.IdentityMixin
IdentityGenerator - Interface in org.qi4j.api.entity
Generator for identities of EntityComposite's.
Immutable - Annotation Type in org.qi4j.api.property
This annotation adds Immutability to Types, Properties and Associations
ImportedServiceDescriptor - Interface in org.qi4j.api.service
ServiceDescriptor provides meta informations of a service.
importService(ImportedServiceDescriptor) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.service.ServiceImporter
Imports an instance of the service type described in the service descriptor.
Initializable - Interface in org.qi4j.api.mixin
Fragments which want to be initialized can implement this callback interface.
InitializationException - Exception in org.qi4j.api.mixin
Thrown when a Fragment or object could not be instantiated.
InitializationException() - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.mixin.InitializationException
InitializationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.mixin.InitializationException
InitializationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.mixin.InitializationException
InitializationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.mixin.InitializationException
initialize() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.mixin.Initializable
Initialize the fragment
initialValue() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.composite.CompositeContext
InjectionScope - Annotation Type in org.qi4j.api.injection
This is used to annotate annotation types which are used for injection.
injectTo(T) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.object.ObjectBuilder
Inject an existing instance.
instance() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.entity.EntityBuilder
Get a representation of the state for the new Composite.
instanceFor(Class<K>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.entity.EntityBuilder
Get a representation of the state of the given type for the new Composite.
interfacesOf(Type) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.util.Classes
Get all interfaces for the given type, including the provided type.
interfacesWithMethods(Set<Class>) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.util.Classes
InvalidApplicationException - Exception in org.qi4j.api.common
Thrown when an application is considered to not be constructed properly.
InvalidApplicationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.common.InvalidApplicationException
InvalidApplicationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.common.InvalidApplicationException
InvalidMixinException - Exception in org.qi4j.api.mixin
InvalidMixinException(Class, Method) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.mixin.InvalidMixinException
InvalidValueCompositeException - Exception in org.qi4j.api.composite
InvalidValueCompositeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.composite.InvalidValueCompositeException
Invocation - Annotation Type in org.qi4j.api.injection.scope
Annotation to denote the injection of a invocation specific resource.
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.entity.association.AssociationMixin
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.entity.association.ManyAssociationMixin
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.mixin.NoopMixin
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.property.PropertyMixin
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.sideeffect.GenericSideEffect
invoke(Method, Object[]) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.sideeffect.GenericSideEffect
Convenience method to be overridden by subclasses in order to avoid returning null, as returned value from side effects is not taken in consideration.
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWorkConcern
Handles method with UnitOfWorkPropagation annotation.
invokeWithCommit(Object, Method, Object[], UnitOfWork) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWorkConcern
isActive(Object) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.service.ServiceImporter
isActive() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.service.ServiceReference
isAggregated() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.entity.association.AssociationInfo
isAggregated() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.entity.association.GenericAssociationInfo
isClass(Class<?>) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.common.TypeName
isComputed() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.property.AbstractPropertyInstance
isComputed() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.property.GenericPropertyInfo
isComputed() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.property.PropertyInfo
isDate(Type) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.util.DateFunctions
isImmutable() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.entity.association.AssociationInfo
isImmutable() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.entity.association.GenericAssociationInfo
isImmutable() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.property.AbstractPropertyInstance
isImmutable() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.property.GenericPropertyInfo
isImmutable() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.property.PropertyInfo
isNotNull(Property<T>) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressions
PropertyIsNotNullPredicate factory method.
isNotNull(Association<?>) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressions
AssociationIsNotNullPredicate factory method.
isNull(Property<T>) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressions
PropertyIsNullPredicate factory method.
isNull(Association<?>) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressions
AssociationIsNullPredicate factory method.
isOpen() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWork
Check if the UnitOfWork is open.
isPaused() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWork
Check if the UnitOfWork is paused.
isValid(ANNOTATION, TYPE) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.constraint.Constraint
For each value or parameter which should be checked this method will be invoked.


Layer - Interface in org.qi4j.api.structure
The Layer represents a single layer in a Qi4j application.
le(Property<T>, T) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressions
LessOrEqualPredicate factory method.
le(Property<T>, VariableValueExpression<T>) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressions
LessOrEqualPredicate factory method.
leftSideExpression() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.Conjunction
leftSideExpression() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.Disjunction
LessOrEqualPredicate<T> - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query.grammar
Constraints that a Property is less than or equal to a value (as in Property.get() <= X).
LessThanPredicate<T> - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query.grammar
Constraints that a Property is less than a value (as in Property.get() < X).
Lifecycle - Interface in org.qi4j.api.entity
Lifecycle interface for all Composites.
LifecycleException - Exception in org.qi4j.api.entity
Thrown by methods of Lifecycle if invocation fails
LifecycleException(String) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.entity.LifecycleException
LifecycleException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.entity.LifecycleException
LifecycleException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.entity.LifecycleException
ListMap<K,V> - Class in org.qi4j.api.util
Map whose values are Lists of things.
ListMap() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.util.ListMap
localizedMessage() - Method in exception org.qi4j.api.constraint.ConstraintViolationException
lt(Property<T>, T) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressions
LessThanPredicate factory method.
lt(Property<T>, VariableValueExpression<T>) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressions
LessThanPredicate factory method.


ManyAssociation<T> - Interface in org.qi4j.api.entity.association
Association to a collection of entities.
ManyAssociationContainsPredicate<T> - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query.grammar
ManyAssociationMixin - Class in org.qi4j.api.entity.association
Generic mixin for associations.
ManyAssociationMixin() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.entity.association.ManyAssociationMixin
ManyAssociationMixin.AssociationFilter - Class in org.qi4j.api.entity.association
ManyAssociationMixin.AssociationFilter() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.entity.association.ManyAssociationMixin.AssociationFilter
ManyAssociationReference - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query.grammar
An expression related to ManyAssociation.
map(Properties, Composite) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.composite.PropertyMapper
Populate the Composite with properties from the given properties object.
map(InputStream, Composite) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.composite.PropertyMapper
Load a Properties object from the given stream, close it, and then populate the Composite with the properties.
matches(Property<String>, String) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressions
MatchesPredicate factory method.
MatchesPredicate - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query.grammar
Constraints that a Property matches a regular expression.
matchingTypes() - Method in exception org.qi4j.api.composite.AmbiguousTypeException
maxResults(int) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.Query
Set how many results should be returned.
MetaInfo - Class in org.qi4j.api.common
Used to declare and access meta-info.
MetaInfo() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.common.MetaInfo
MetaInfo(MetaInfo) - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.common.MetaInfo
metaInfo(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.composite.Composite
metaInfo(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.entity.association.AssociationInfo
Get metadata that implements the given type
metaInfo(Class<T>) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.entity.association.GenericAssociationInfo
metaInfo(Class<V>) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.property.AbstractPropertyInstance
Returns the property info given anInfoType argument.
metaInfo(Class<T>) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.property.GenericPropertyInfo
metaInfo(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.property.PropertyInfo
Access metadata about the property with a given type.
metaInfo(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.service.ImportedServiceDescriptor
metaInfo(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.service.ServiceReference
metaInfo(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.structure.Application
metaInfo(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.structure.Layer
metaInfo(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.structure.Module
metaInfo() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWork
Get the MetaInfo for this UnitOfWork.
metaInfo(Class<T>) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.usecase.Usecase
Meta-info for the usecase.
method() - Method in exception org.qi4j.api.composite.MissingMethodException
methodName() - Method in exception org.qi4j.api.constraint.ConstraintViolationException
methodsOf(Class) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.util.Classes
MissingIndexingSystemException - Exception in org.qi4j.api.query
This Exception is thrown in QueryBuilderFactory.newQueryBuilder() method if no indexing subsystem has been declared in the assembly.
MissingIndexingSystemException() - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.query.MissingIndexingSystemException
MissingMethodException - Exception in org.qi4j.api.composite
MissingMethodException(String, Method) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.composite.MissingMethodException
MixinMappingException - Exception in org.qi4j.api.mixin
This Exception is thrown when it is not possible to map the MixinType to a valid CompositeType.
MixinMappingException(String) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.mixin.MixinMappingException
Mixins - Annotation Type in org.qi4j.api.mixin
This annotation is used in composites to declare mixin implementation classes.
mixinType() - Method in exception org.qi4j.api.composite.AmbiguousTypeException
mixinType() - Method in exception org.qi4j.api.mixin.MixinTypeNotAvailableException
mixinTypeName() - Method in exception org.qi4j.api.constraint.ConstraintViolationException
MixinTypeNotAvailableException - Exception in org.qi4j.api.mixin
This Exception is thrown when no visible Composite implements the MixinType that is requested to be built in the builder.
MixinTypeNotAvailableException(Class<?>) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.mixin.MixinTypeNotAvailableException
MixinTypeNotAvailableException(Class<?>, String) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.mixin.MixinTypeNotAvailableException
mode() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.structure.Application
Module - Interface in org.qi4j.api.structure
API for interacting with a Module.
moduleName() - Method in exception org.qi4j.api.composite.NoSuchCompositeException
moduleName() - Method in exception org.qi4j.api.mixin.MixinTypeNotAvailableException
moduleName() - Method in exception org.qi4j.api.object.NoSuchObjectException
moduleName() - Method in exception org.qi4j.api.value.NoSuchValueException
mult(Property<Integer>, int) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.property.Numbers
mult(Property<Long>, long) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.property.Numbers
mult(Property<Double>, double) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.property.Numbers
mult(Property<Float>, float) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.property.Numbers
mult(Property<BigDecimal>, BigDecimal) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.property.Numbers


name() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.common.QualifiedName
name() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.common.TypeName
name() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.constraint.ConstraintViolation
Name - Annotation Type in org.qi4j.api.constraint
Annotation for parameter names.
name() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.entity.association.GenericAssociationInfo
name() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.property.GenericPropertyInfo
name() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.NamedQueryExpression
name() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.VariableValueExpression
name() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.structure.Application
name() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.structure.Layer
name() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.structure.Module
name() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.usecase.Usecase
Name of the usecase.
NamedQueryExpression - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query.grammar
nameOf(Class) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.common.TypeName
nameOf(Type) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.common.TypeName
nameOf(String) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.common.TypeName
Negation - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query.grammar
A logical "NOT" on a boolean expression.
NEVER - Static variable in class org.qi4j.api.cache.CacheOptions
newAssociationIsNotNullPredicate(AssociationReference) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressionsProvider
newAssociationIsNullPredicate(AssociationReference) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressionsProvider
newConjunction(BooleanExpression, BooleanExpression) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressionsProvider
newContainsAllPredicate(PropertyReference<C>, SingleValueExpression<C>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressionsProvider
newContainsPredicate(PropertyReference<C>, SingleValueExpression<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressionsProvider
newDisjunction(BooleanExpression, BooleanExpression) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressionsProvider
newEntity(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWork
Create a new Entity which implements the given mixin type.
newEntity(Class<T>, String) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWork
Create a new Entity which implements the given mixin type.
newEntityBuilder(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWork
Create a new EntityBuilder for an EntityComposite which implements the given mixin type.
newEntityBuilder(Class<T>, String) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWork
Create a new EntityBuilder for an EntityComposite which implements the given mixin type.
newEqualsPredicate(PropertyReference<T>, SingleValueExpression<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressionsProvider
newEqualsPredicate(PropertyReference<T>, VariableValueExpression<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressionsProvider
newEqualsPredicate(AssociationReference, SingleValueExpression<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressionsProvider
newEqualsPredicate(AssociationReference, VariableValueExpression<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressionsProvider
newGreaterOrEqualPredicate(PropertyReference<T>, SingleValueExpression<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressionsProvider
newGreaterOrEqualPredicate(PropertyReference<T>, VariableValueExpression<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressionsProvider
newGreaterThanPredicate(PropertyReference<T>, SingleValueExpression<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressionsProvider
newGreaterThanPredicate(PropertyReference<T>, VariableValueExpression<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressionsProvider
newInstance() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.composite.TransientBuilder
Create a new Composite instance.
newInstance() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.entity.EntityBuilder
Create a new Entity instance.
newInstance() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.object.ObjectBuilder
Creates a new instance from this ObjectBuilder.
newInstance() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.value.ValueBuilder
Create a new Composite instance.
newLessOrEqualPredicate(PropertyReference<T>, SingleValueExpression<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressionsProvider
newLessOrEqualPredicate(PropertyReference<T>, VariableValueExpression<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressionsProvider
newLessThanPredicate(PropertyReference<T>, SingleValueExpression<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressionsProvider
newLessThanPredicate(PropertyReference<T>, VariableValueExpression<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressionsProvider
newManyAssociationContainsPredicate(ManyAssociationReference, SingleValueExpression<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressionsProvider
newMatchesPredicate(PropertyReference<String>, SingleValueExpression<String>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressionsProvider
newNamedQuery(Class<T>, UnitOfWork, String) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryBuilderFactory
newNegation(BooleanExpression) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressionsProvider
newNotEqualsPredicate(PropertyReference<T>, SingleValueExpression<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressionsProvider
newNotEqualsPredicate(PropertyReference<T>, VariableValueExpression<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressionsProvider
newObject(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.object.ObjectBuilderFactory
Create new objects of the given type.
newObjectBuilder(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.object.ObjectBuilderFactory
Create a builder for creating new objects of the given type.
newOrderBy(PropertyReference<?>, OrderBy.Order) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressionsProvider
newPropertyIsNotNullPredicate(PropertyReference<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressionsProvider
newPropertyIsNullPredicate(PropertyReference<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressionsProvider
newQuery(UnitOfWork) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryBuilder
Create a new query with the declared where-clauses.
newQuery(Iterable<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryBuilder
Create a new query with the declared where-clauses that will be evaluated against the iterable entries.
newQueryBuilder(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryBuilderFactory
Create a new QueryBuilder.
newSingleValueExpression(T) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressionsProvider
newTransient(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.composite.TransientBuilderFactory
Instantiate a TransientComposite of the given type.
newTransientBuilder(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.composite.TransientBuilderFactory
Create a builder for creating new TransientComposites that implements the given TransientComposite type.
newUnitOfWork() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWorkFactory
Create a new UnitOfWork and associate it with the current thread.
newUnitOfWork(Usecase) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWorkFactory
Create a new UnitOfWork for the given Usecase and associate it with the current thread.
newUsecase(String) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.usecase.UsecaseBuilder
newUsecase() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.usecase.UsecaseBuilder
newValue(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.value.ValueBuilderFactory
Instantiate a Value of the given type.
newValueBuilder(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.value.ValueBuilderFactory
Create a builder for creating new Values that implements the given Value type.
newValueFromJSON(Class<T>, String) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.value.ValueBuilderFactory
newVariableValueExpression(String) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressionsProvider
next - Variable in class org.qi4j.api.concern.ConcernOf
The "next" pointer.
NoopMixin - Class in org.qi4j.api.mixin
Generic mixin that is a no-op.
NoopMixin() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.mixin.NoopMixin
normalizeClassToURI(String) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.util.Classes
normalized() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.common.TypeName
NoSuchCompositeException - Exception in org.qi4j.api.composite
This exception is thrown if client code tries to create a non-existing Composite type
NoSuchCompositeException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.composite.NoSuchCompositeException
NoSuchEntityException - Exception in org.qi4j.api.unitofwork
This exception indicates that the requested Entity with the given identity does not exist.
NoSuchEntityException(EntityReference) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.NoSuchEntityException
NoSuchObjectException - Exception in org.qi4j.api.object
NoSuchObjectException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.object.NoSuchObjectException
NoSuchValueException - Exception in org.qi4j.api.value
This exception is thrown if client code tries to create a non-existing Composite type
NoSuchValueException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.value.NoSuchValueException
not(BooleanExpression) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressions
Negation factory method.
notEq(Property<T>, T) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressions
NotEqualsPredicate factory method.
notEq(Property<T>, VariableValueExpression<T>) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressions
NotEqualsPredicate factory method.
NotEqualsPredicate<T> - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query.grammar
Constraints that a Property is not equal to a value (as in Property.get() != X).
NotQueryableException - Exception in org.qi4j.api.query
Thrown in case that a non queryable type or accessor (marked with @Queriable(false)) is used during query building, or when non-Property, non-Associations are trying to be queried (possibly can not happen).
NotQueryableException(String) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.query.NotQueryableException
NullArgumentException - Exception in org.qi4j.api.util
Thrown if an argument to a method was null, and the method required it to be non-null.
Numbers - Class in org.qi4j.api.property
Convenience class for mathematical operations on numerical properties.
Numbers() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.property.Numbers


ObjectBuilder<T> - Interface in org.qi4j.api.object
From the ObjectBuilderFactory you can create ObjectBuilder instances.
ObjectBuilderFactory - Interface in org.qi4j.api.object
This factory creates builders for POJO's.
objectBuilderFactory() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.structure.Module
objectType() - Method in exception org.qi4j.api.object.NoSuchObjectException
oneOf(ManyAssociation<T>) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressions
When querying for a member of an association, use this to get a template for a single element, which can then be used in expressions.
oneOf(ManyAssociation<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressionsProvider
Optional - Annotation Type in org.qi4j.api.common
Annotation to denote that something is optional.
or(BooleanExpression, BooleanExpression, BooleanExpression...) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressions
Disjunction factory method.
order() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.OrderBy
OrderBy - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query.grammar
Query sorting segment.
orderBy(OrderBy...) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.Query
Set the ordering rules.
orderBy(Property<T>) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressions
OrderBy factory method (ascending order).
orderBy(Property<T>, OrderBy.Order) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressions
OrderBy factory method.
OrderBy.Order - Enum in org.qi4j.api.query.grammar
Order direction.
org.qi4j.api - package org.qi4j.api
org.qi4j.api.cache - package org.qi4j.api.cache
org.qi4j.api.common - package org.qi4j.api.common
org.qi4j.api.composite - package org.qi4j.api.composite
org.qi4j.api.concern - package org.qi4j.api.concern
org.qi4j.api.concern.internal - package org.qi4j.api.concern.internal
Internal/Private package for the API
org.qi4j.api.configuration - package org.qi4j.api.configuration
org.qi4j.api.constraint - package org.qi4j.api.constraint
org.qi4j.api.entity - package org.qi4j.api.entity
org.qi4j.api.entity.association - package org.qi4j.api.entity.association
org.qi4j.api.injection - package org.qi4j.api.injection
org.qi4j.api.injection.scope - package org.qi4j.api.injection.scope
org.qi4j.api.mixin - package org.qi4j.api.mixin
org.qi4j.api.object - package org.qi4j.api.object
org.qi4j.api.property - package org.qi4j.api.property
org.qi4j.api.query - package org.qi4j.api.query
org.qi4j.api.query.grammar - package org.qi4j.api.query.grammar
org.qi4j.api.service - package org.qi4j.api.service
org.qi4j.api.service.qualifier - package org.qi4j.api.service.qualifier
org.qi4j.api.sideeffect - package org.qi4j.api.sideeffect
org.qi4j.api.sideeffect.internal - package org.qi4j.api.sideeffect.internal
Internal/Private package for the API
org.qi4j.api.structure - package org.qi4j.api.structure
org.qi4j.api.unitofwork - package org.qi4j.api.unitofwork
org.qi4j.api.usecase - package org.qi4j.api.usecase
org.qi4j.api.util - package org.qi4j.api.util
org.qi4j.api.value - package org.qi4j.api.value


parseEntityReference(String) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.entity.EntityReference
parseURI(String) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.entity.EntityReference
passivate() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.configuration.Configuration.ConfigurationMixin
passivate() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.service.Activatable
This is invoked on the service when the instance is being passivated
PassivationException - Exception in org.qi4j.api.service
PassivationException(List<Exception>) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.service.PassivationException
pause() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWork
Pauses this UnitOfWork.
Predicate - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query.grammar
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in exception org.qi4j.api.service.PassivationException
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in exception org.qi4j.api.service.PassivationException
Property<T> - Interface in org.qi4j.api.property
Properties are declared in Composite interfaces by using this interface.
propertyAccessor() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.PropertyReference
Get the accessor method for the property.
propertyDeclaringType() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.PropertyReference
Get the type of the interface that declared the property.
propertyInfo - Variable in class org.qi4j.api.property.AbstractPropertyInstance
PropertyInfo - Interface in org.qi4j.api.property
Provide access to metadata information about a property.
PropertyIsNotNullPredicate<T> - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query.grammar
Constraints that a Property is not null (is set).
PropertyIsNullPredicate<T> - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query.grammar
Constraints that a Property is null (not set).
PropertyMapper - Class in org.qi4j.api.composite
Transfer properties to Composite properties
PropertyMapper() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.composite.PropertyMapper
PropertyMixin - Class in org.qi4j.api.property
Generic mixin for properties.
PropertyMixin() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.property.PropertyMixin
PropertyMixin.PropertyFilter - Class in org.qi4j.api.property
PropertyMixin.PropertyFilter() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.property.PropertyMixin.PropertyFilter
propertyName() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.PropertyReference
Get the name of the property, which is equal to the name of the method that declared it.
PropertyNullPredicate<T> - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query.grammar
propertyReference() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.ComparisonPredicate
propertyReference() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.ContainsAllPredicate
propertyReference() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.ContainsPredicate
propertyReference() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.OrderBy
propertyReference() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.PropertyNullPredicate
PropertyReference<T> - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query.grammar
An expression related to Property.
propertyReference() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.PropertyReferenceValueExpression
PropertyReferenceValueExpression<T> - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query.grammar
propertyType() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.PropertyReference
Get the type of the property.
prototype() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.composite.TransientBuilder
Get a representation of the state for the new Composite.
prototype() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.value.ValueBuilder
Get a representation of the state for the new Value.
prototypeFor(Class<K>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.composite.TransientBuilder
Get a representation of the state of the given type for the new Composite.
prototypeFor(Class<K>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.value.ValueBuilder
Get a representation of the state of the given type for the new ValueComposite.
proxy() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.composite.CompositeContext


Qi4j - Interface in org.qi4j.api
Encapsulation of the Qi4j API.
QualifiedName - Class in org.qi4j.api.common
A QualifiedName is created by combining the name of a method and the name of the type that declares the method.
QualifiedName(TypeName, String) - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.common.QualifiedName
qualifiedName() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.entity.association.AssociationInfo
Get the qualified name of the association.
qualifiedName() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.entity.association.GenericAssociationInfo
qualifiedName() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.property.AbstractPropertyInstance
Returns the qualified name of this Property.
qualifiedName() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.property.GenericPropertyInfo
qualifiedName() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.property.PropertyInfo
Get the qualified name of the property which is equal to:
qualifier(Active) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.service.qualifier.Active.ActiveQualifier
qualifier(QUALIFIER) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.service.qualifier.AnnotationQualifier
qualifier(IdentifiedBy) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.service.qualifier.IdentifiedBy.IdentifiedByQualifier
Qualifier - Annotation Type in org.qi4j.api.service.qualifier
qualifier(Tagged) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.service.qualifier.Tagged.TaggedQualifier
qualifies(ServiceReference<?>) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.service.qualifier.ServiceQualifier
Query<T> - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query
This represents a Query in an indexing system.
Queryable - Annotation Type in org.qi4j.api.entity
This annotation is used to mark entity types or properties/associations that are indexable.
QueryBuilder<T> - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query
QueryBuilders are used to create Query instances.
QueryBuilderFactory - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query
This is used to create QueryBuilders.
queryBuilderFactory() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.structure.Module
QueryException - Exception in org.qi4j.api.query
Base class for Query exceptions.
QueryException() - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.query.QueryException
QueryException(String) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.query.QueryException
QueryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.query.QueryException
QueryExecutionException - Exception in org.qi4j.api.query
Throw this exception if a query could not be executed
QueryExecutionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExecutionException
QueryExecutionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExecutionException
QueryExpressionException - Exception in org.qi4j.api.query
QueryExpressionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressionException
QueryExpressions - Class in org.qi4j.api.query
Static factory methods for query expressions and operators.
QueryExpressions() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressions
QueryExpressionsProvider - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query
SPI interface for QueryExpressionsProviders


refresh() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.configuration.Configuration.ConfigurationMixin
refresh() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.configuration.Configuration
Updates the values of the managed user ConfigurationComposite instance from the underlying org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.EntityStore.
remove(Class) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.common.MetaInfo
remove(T) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.entity.association.ManyAssociation
remove() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.entity.Lifecycle
Removal callback method.
remove(Object) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWork
Remove the given Entity.
removeUnitOfWorkCallback(UnitOfWorkCallback) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWork
resolveTypeVariable(TypeVariable, Class, Class) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.util.Classes
Given a type variable, find what it resolves to given the declaring class where type variable was found and a top class that extends the declaring class.
result - Variable in class org.qi4j.api.sideeffect.SideEffectOf
resultType() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.Query
Get the result type of this Query
resume() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWork
Resumes this UnitOfWork to again become the current UnitOfWork.
rightSideExpression() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.Conjunction
rightSideExpression() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.Disjunction


save() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.configuration.Configuration.ConfigurationMixin
save() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.configuration.Configuration
Persists the modified values in the user configuration instance to the underlying store.
Service - Annotation Type in org.qi4j.api.injection.scope
Annotation to denote the injection of a service dependency into a Fragment.
ServiceComposite - Interface in org.qi4j.api.service
All Composites being used to implement Services must extend this interface.
ServiceException - Exception in org.qi4j.api.service
ServiceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.service.ServiceException
ServiceFinder - Interface in org.qi4j.api.service
Interface used to query for ServiceReferences.
serviceFinder() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.structure.Module
serviceImporter() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.service.ImportedServiceDescriptor
ServiceImporter - Interface in org.qi4j.api.service
Import a service from some external source.
ServiceImporterException - Exception in org.qi4j.api.service
If a ServiceImporter could not import a service instance it must throw this exception.
ServiceImporterException() - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.service.ServiceImporterException
ServiceImporterException(String) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.service.ServiceImporterException
ServiceImporterException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.service.ServiceImporterException
ServiceImporterException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.service.ServiceImporterException
ServiceNotRegisteredException - Exception in org.qi4j.api.service
ServiceNotRegisteredException(Class<? extends ServiceComposite>, String) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.service.ServiceNotRegisteredException
ServiceQualifier - Class in org.qi4j.api.service.qualifier
This class helps you select a particular service from a list.
ServiceQualifier() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.service.qualifier.ServiceQualifier
ServiceReference<T> - Interface in org.qi4j.api.service
From a ServiceReference you can access and modify metadata about a service.
serviceReference() - Method in exception org.qi4j.api.service.UnknownServiceReferenceType
ServiceTags - Class in org.qi4j.api.service.qualifier
Use this as metainfo about a Service to specify tags.
ServiceTags(String...) - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.service.qualifier.ServiceTags
serviceType() - Method in exception org.qi4j.api.service.ServiceNotRegisteredException
set(Object) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.common.MetaInfo
set(T) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.entity.association.Association
Set the associated entity.
set(T) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.property.ComputedPropertyInstance
Throws IllegalArgumentException exception.
set(T) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.property.Property
Set the value of the property
setProvider(QueryExpressionsProvider) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressions
Set the provider to be used.
setValue(T) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.VariableValueExpression
setVariable(String, Object) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.Query
Set the value of a named variable.
SideEffectFor - Annotation Type in org.qi4j.api.sideeffect.internal
This annotation is required once in each SideEffect, to mark the field where the element providing the invocation result should be injected.
SideEffectOf<T> - Class in org.qi4j.api.sideeffect
Base class for SideEffects.
SideEffectOf() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.sideeffect.SideEffectOf
SideEffects - Annotation Type in org.qi4j.api.sideeffect
This annotation is used by composites and mixins to declare what SideEffects should apply to the type or specific method.
SingleValueExpression<T> - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query.grammar
State - Annotation Type in org.qi4j.api.injection.scope
Annotation to denote the injection of a property, association or StateHolder.
state() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.value.Value
StateHolder - Interface in org.qi4j.api.property
This represents the state of a composite (properties).
StateHolder.StateVisitor<ThrowableType extends java.lang.Throwable> - Interface in org.qi4j.api.property
Structure - Annotation Type in org.qi4j.api.injection.scope
Annotation to denote the injection of a resource specific for the module which the injected object/fragment is instantiated in.
sub(Property<Integer>, int) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.property.Numbers
sub(Property<Long>, long) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.property.Numbers
sub(Property<Double>, double) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.property.Numbers
sub(Property<Float>, float) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.property.Numbers
sub(Property<BigDecimal>, BigDecimal) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.property.Numbers


Tagged - Annotation Type in org.qi4j.api.service.qualifier
Filter services based on tags.
Tagged.TaggedQualifier - Class in org.qi4j.api.service.qualifier
Tagged.TaggedQualifier() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.service.qualifier.Tagged.TaggedQualifier
tags(String...) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.service.qualifier.ServiceTags
tags() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.service.qualifier.ServiceTags
templateFor(Class<T>) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressions
Creates a template for the a mixin type to be used to access properties in type safe fashion.
templateFor(Class<T>, Object) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressions
templateFor(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressionsProvider
templateFor(Class<T>, Object) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressionsProvider
This - Annotation Type in org.qi4j.api.injection.scope
Annotation to denote the injection of a reference to the same Composite as the fragment is a part of.
throwIfNotQueryable(Method) - Static method in exception org.qi4j.api.query.NotQueryableException
Verify that the provided accessor method has not been marked with a Queryable(false).
throwIfNotQueryable(Class<?>) - Static method in exception org.qi4j.api.query.NotQueryableException
Verify that the provided type has not been marked with a Queryable(false).
toClassArray(Set<Class>) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.util.Classes
toClassName(String) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.util.Classes
Get class name from a URI
toJSON() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.value.Value
toList() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.entity.association.ManyAssociation
toNamespace() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.common.QualifiedName
toSet() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.entity.association.ManyAssociation
toString() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.common.MetaInfo
toString() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.common.QualifiedName
toString() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.common.TypeName
toString() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.entity.EntityReference
toString() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.usecase.Usecase
toURI() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.common.QualifiedName
toURI() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.common.TypeName
toURI() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.entity.EntityReference
toURI(Class) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.util.Classes
Get URI for a class.
toURI(String) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.util.Classes
Get URI for a class name.
toUtcString(Date) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.util.DateFunctions
TransientBuilder<T> - Interface in org.qi4j.api.composite
TransientBuilders are used to instantiate TransientComposites.
TransientBuilderFactory - Interface in org.qi4j.api.composite
This factory creates TransientComposites and the TransientBuilders.
transientBuilderFactory() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.structure.Module
TransientComposite - Interface in org.qi4j.api.composite
TransientComposites have the following criteria; Does not persist its state, and is not serializable Can not be referenced from Properties, Associations, ValueComposites nor Entities Can reference all types No lifecycle equals/hashCode is delegated to a single Mixin implementing the methods, like any other method
traversedAssociation() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.AssociationReference
Gets the traversed association used to get to this association or null if there was no traversal involved.
traversedAssociation() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.PropertyReference
Gets the traversed association used to get to this property or null if there was no association traversal involved.
traversedProperty() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.PropertyReference
Gets the traversed property used to get to this property or null if there was no property traversal involved.
type() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.common.QualifiedName
type() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.composite.Composite
type() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.entity.association.AssociationInfo
Get the type of the associated Entities
type() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.entity.association.GenericAssociationInfo
type() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.property.AbstractPropertyInstance
type() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.property.GenericPropertyInfo
type() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.property.PropertyInfo
Get the type of the property.
type() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.service.ImportedServiceDescriptor
typeName() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.common.QualifiedName
TypeName - Class in org.qi4j.api.common
typesOf(Type) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.util.Classes


UnitOfWork - Interface in org.qi4j.api.unitofwork
All operations on entities goes through an UnitOfWork.
UnitOfWorkCallback - Interface in org.qi4j.api.unitofwork
Callback interface for UnitOfWork completion or discard.
UnitOfWorkCallback.UnitOfWorkStatus - Enum in org.qi4j.api.unitofwork
UnitOfWorkCompletionException - Exception in org.qi4j.api.unitofwork
When an attempt to UnitOfWork.complete() an UnitOfWork fails, this exception will be thrown.
UnitOfWorkCompletionException() - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWorkCompletionException
UnitOfWorkCompletionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWorkCompletionException
UnitOfWorkCompletionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWorkCompletionException
UnitOfWorkCompletionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWorkCompletionException
UnitOfWorkConcern - Class in org.qi4j.api.unitofwork
UnitOfWorkConcern manages the unit of work complete and discard policy.
UnitOfWorkConcern() - Constructor for class org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWorkConcern
UnitOfWorkDiscardOn - Annotation Type in org.qi4j.api.unitofwork
Annotation to denote the unit of work discard policy.
UnitOfWorkException - Exception in org.qi4j.api.unitofwork
UnitOfWorkException() - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWorkException
UnitOfWorkException(String) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWorkException
UnitOfWorkException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWorkException
UnitOfWorkException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWorkException
unitOfWorkFactory() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.structure.Module
unitOfWorkFactory() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWork
Get the UnitOfWorkFactory that this UnitOfWork was created from.
UnitOfWorkFactory - Interface in org.qi4j.api.unitofwork
Factory for UnitOfWork.
UnitOfWorkPropagation - Annotation Type in org.qi4j.api.unitofwork
Annotation to denote the unit of work propagation.
UnitOfWorkPropagation.Propagation - Enum in org.qi4j.api.unitofwork
UnknownServiceReferenceType - Exception in org.qi4j.api.service
UnknownServiceReferenceType(String, ServiceReference) - Constructor for exception org.qi4j.api.service.UnknownServiceReferenceType
use(Object...) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.composite.TransientBuilder
Provide objects that can be injected into mixins that has the @Uses dependency injection annotation.
use(Object...) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.object.ObjectBuilder
Make the given objects available for @Uses injection.
usecase() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWork
Get the Usecase for this UnitOfWork
Usecase - Class in org.qi4j.api.usecase
A Usecase.
UsecaseBuilder - Class in org.qi4j.api.usecase
Builder for Usecases.
UseDefaults - Annotation Type in org.qi4j.api.common
Annotation to denote that the initial value of a Property will be the default value for the type if none is specified during construction.
Uses - Annotation Type in org.qi4j.api.injection.scope
Annotation to denote the injection of a dependency to be used by a Mixin.


validateNotEmpty(String, String) - Static method in exception org.qi4j.api.util.NullArgumentException
validateNotNull(String, Object) - Static method in exception org.qi4j.api.util.NullArgumentException
value() - Method in class org.qi4j.api.constraint.ConstraintViolation
value() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.SingleValueExpression
Value - Interface in org.qi4j.api.value
Methods specifically for Values
ValueBuilder<T> - Interface in org.qi4j.api.value
valueBuilderFactory() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.structure.Module
ValueBuilderFactory - Interface in org.qi4j.api.value
Factory for Values and ValueBuilders.
ValueComposite - Interface in org.qi4j.api.value
ValueComposites are Composites that only has value, and equality is defined from its values and not any identity nor instance references.
valueExpression() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.ComparisonPredicate
valueExpression() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.ContainsAllPredicate
valueExpression() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.ContainsPredicate
valueExpression() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.ManyAssociationContainsPredicate
ValueExpression<T> - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query.grammar
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.qi4j.api.common.Visibility
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.AssociationReference.ReferenceType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.OrderBy.Order
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.qi4j.api.structure.Application.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWorkCallback.UnitOfWorkStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWorkPropagation.Propagation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.qi4j.api.common.Visibility
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.AssociationReference.ReferenceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.qi4j.api.query.grammar.OrderBy.Order
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.qi4j.api.structure.Application.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWorkCallback.UnitOfWorkStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWorkPropagation.Propagation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
valueType() - Method in exception org.qi4j.api.constraint.ConstraintImplementationNotFoundException
valueType() - Method in exception org.qi4j.api.value.NoSuchValueException
variable(String) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressions
VariableValueExpression factory method.
VariableValueExpression<T> - Interface in org.qi4j.api.query.grammar
version() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.structure.Application
The version of the application.
Visibility - Enum in org.qi4j.api.common
visibility() - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.service.ImportedServiceDescriptor
visitAssociation(QualifiedName, Object) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.entity.association.EntityStateHolder.EntityStateVisitor
visitManyAssociation(QualifiedName, ManyAssociation) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.entity.association.EntityStateHolder.EntityStateVisitor
visitProperties(StateHolder.StateVisitor<ThrowableType>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.property.StateHolder
visitProperty(QualifiedName, Object) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.property.StateHolder.StateVisitor
visitState(EntityStateHolder.EntityStateVisitor<ThrowableType>) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.entity.association.EntityStateHolder


where(BooleanExpression) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.query.QueryBuilder
Add a where-clause to the Query.
whereActive() - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.service.qualifier.ServiceQualifier
whereMetaInfoIs(Object) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.service.qualifier.ServiceQualifier
with(Object) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.usecase.UsecaseBuilder
withAnnotations(AnnotatedElement) - Method in class org.qi4j.api.common.MetaInfo
withId(String) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.service.qualifier.ServiceQualifier
withPrototype(T) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.value.ValueBuilder
Use given value as prototype for this value builder.
withState(StateHolder) - Method in interface org.qi4j.api.value.ValueBuilder
withTags(String...) - Static method in class org.qi4j.api.service.qualifier.ServiceQualifier


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